Tuesday, March 03, 2009


I'm too worn out for the day to actually say much; so I'll have it down in digestable bites:

  • Slow day today, felt utterly sluggish and malas. Despite having to handle my first product ever; I can't seem to get my head put on properly.
  • Met up with the dude who was selling the PS3 game by brother bought on eBay through my account. He met me in front of my office and we had the exchange done. It was in good condition and all; so it was all well.
  • Went home for lunch. Felt oddly tired and melancholic; and was missing my Encik Sedil like crazy. Called just to say hello... I just needed the familiar voice to calm me a little.
  • Felt even more absent-minded when I got back from lunch. Felt out of sorts and disoriented.
  • Juliana told me that she might leave if she gets accepted for the offer that she will be going for an interview for... Kinda sad since I just got to know somebody; and she might already be leaving.
  • Did what I possibly could with the product given to me. Learned some tips from Adrian and Caroljit; since I can't seem to remember anything from training.
  • Went for the ING Briefing by this dude, Koo, who pronounced everything funny. He made 'sexual dysfunction' sound absolutely cringe-worthy to hear. And at one point, he just gave up pronouncing some words...Poor Koo.
  • Finished what I could of my product. I have about half more to look at tomorrow. Eventhough I finished quite a lot in a short time; I still have to have it sent for reviewing and make necessary changes if needed and then send it back to the PE (production editor). On top of that, I have two more products coming in this week.
  • The green tea I've been drinking; despite it's benefits, are making my throat sore.
  • Ayus called saying Fairuz was on the way to pick up pizzas; he could stop by and pick me up from work so we could have dinner together.
  • Fairuz picked me up and we went to get pizzas then convened to Ayus' and chowed.
  • Watched The Bucket (starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman), which is absolutely fantastic, by the way; after dinner.
  • We got to talking about getting an apartment together, the three of us. That way, it'll be economic, safer and more comfortable. Since we know each other, we will feel more comfortable; and won't have problems with dirty and/or lazy housemates. And, as Ash mentioned, having a guy in the house will be much safer. And we will save lots of money.
  • Went back to my place; and now am looking forward to retiring to bed and having a good sleep. Called Ash and had a bit of a vent today; over frustrations brought by my situation and everything. I am only thankful that Ash can be patient enough with me to stand by my side no matter what; even if he can't actually be near. I love you, Sayang; more than you will ever know.
  • Now, am gonna have a good night.

Good night!

Love, Linzy~

2 comment(s):

Byn Emms said...


i get bad sore-throats from those green tea too.. which will certainly follow up with a fever..

i know, it's quite mind boggling that some green tea can make us sick

Hazlin Aminudin said...

Uh-huh.. so much for it having health benefits.

I heard that they make you dehydrated; which explains the dry, sore throat. It really makes you wonder how something so soothing and delicious be a pain.. Well, pain is pleasure, I suppose. Or is it the other way around?

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