Saturday, March 21, 2009


Sometime after breakfast yesterday with Juliana, just when I was contemplating donating blood for the blood drive at the lobby of my office, I started feeling this dull ache in my noggin. I haven't those in a while, so I just dismissed it as being one of those days when I get them sudden bouts of low-blood pressure induced lightheadedness. But towards lunchtime, the sensation intensified, and after tapauing food from the Terminal with Juliana and Ann and then proceeding to eat at the ePub, I started feeling worse.

As soon as the three of us dispersed and went back to our respective cubicles, the throbbing in my cranium has amped up several notches and I couldn't do anything about it. That's the thing with headaches, there's no amount of massaging that could assuage the pain that is deep inside. And it was hurting like hell.

I'm no stranger to migraines, since my blood pressure tends to be on the low side at times, it's something that I used to get quite often. Used to. Especially back in school, when I hardly drank a drop for that first half of the day, I'd be in pain later. There was also that one time when I was still in MCIIUM, I was suddenly wracked with intense pain one day in Ramadhan, that I had to be given a shot and a special pill. But that was years ago; and I haven't had such intese headaches til now.

I got some Panadols from Juliana, but it didn't help any. Not a single bit. The next thing I know, I was kneeling on the bathroom floor next to the toilet bowl cos I couldn't stop hurling. I was just so sick and needed to get everything out of my system. Thankfully, it was time to go home by the time I was done.

When I went back, I just needed to close my eyes and sleep. And so I did, despite my parents just being about half an hour away. When they arrived and called, and I was getting up, I honestly felt like dying. I was paralysed and it felt like every part of me just decided to give up on me. My parents had to rush me to the nearest clinic which was at the Streetmall. I was given a shot and was given some medication and this one, solitary pill which is supposed to relax me.

The doctor's prognosis was that I probably got a combination of food poisoning and a dose of migraine from stress. I don't know, because it was a leisurely day and my conscience was clear. But I do believe that it is possible that the food poisoning was the cause of the intense head pains. Perhaps my body rejected the intake so bad that it went to my head. I don't know for sure, but I do know that it was excruciating. Even the next day, I was still throwing up and the like.

And here I am thinking, what caused it? My thoughts turned to the memory of a very foul tasting coconut inti (filling) in the kuih dadar I bought at the terminal that morning. That definitely could be the reason. But who'd have thought that a single bite could be so severe? I dunno, but I'm sure not to eat there again.

The culprit?

*Kuih dadar is the one on the left



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