Thursday, March 05, 2009

Another one of those days...

It's just another one of those days where I'm just too worn out to pay much heed to constructing sentences. Heck, I've looked at way too many sentences today to actually want to propogate their breeding; so thank you very much, but I'm gonna make my points short and digestable:

  • Had three products to handle simultaneously today. As I am still unsure of what to do and what how the process goes, I was all scatterbrained and disorganized. I didn't do the things I should do at the right time or the right way.I wasn't sure how to manage everything and how much time I need; so I couldn't really plan.
  • Thankfully, my teammates have been a great help, and took the time to point out how to do this and that... Although mostly I feel sheepish when I have to ask their help over and over again, having to bother them and show that I obviously did not pay enough attention to my training. In my defense, I'd say there were way too many things to remember. Besides, my trainer said that we'd likely only rememeber 20% of what we learn in the 2 1/2 weeks of training.
  • I was told that for one particular product I am doing, they refer to the editor as The X-Files, as her surname is Mulder. And rightly so, cos she, as I was told by many on the team, is a little cuckoo. The words I hear often attributing her are 'disorganized' and 'delusional', and sometimes 'crazy'.
  • I was so swamped with work that I did not have the luxury to go out for lunch. Told Jue to go ahead without me while I stayed back. Was hungry, but I don't think I could spare the time. Thankfully, Maryann was hungry but drowning in work, too, so she invited me to quickly tapau food at the bus terminal.
  • Had lunch at the office, at my very own cubicle, while I read my reviewer's comments about my work. I'm getting better, I hope. Hopefully it's just this first product that I can't seem to get right.
  • Azha messaged me telling me that he just finished the SE test at WKESP. I asked him why in the name of Whedon didn't he call to tell me he was right there in the office? For Josssakes, I could have come out to say hey and give him some tips... Apparently Aishah told him I was busy; but really Azha, you know I'm not that busy to not have time to say hi to a friend :p I hope you get pass the test... Would be nice to see a familiar face in these parts.
  • I was freezing to death in the office cos it was so cold... The rain had caused the temperature to drop even more and I was turning to ice. Had to defrost my hands many times in the washroom, under the hand dryer thingy...
  • Couldn't wait for 5pm, and left as soon as the hand struck the number 5. My brain was getting too frozen.
  • Juliana had a meeting at Jusco Taman Equine, so I decided to follow her. Shopped while she had the meeting. It was a retail therapy that I so deserve. Had so much fun taking my time trying on clothes and shoes and whatnot... And plus, it was the Jusco Sale; so with a hundred bucks in my wallet, I managed to get myself about 7 items. A total bargain :)
  • Now am so glad that I am home and enjoying some good RnR. Bed feels good and comfy and the shower I just had made my brain all relaxed again. The only downside is that my next door neighbour (the wall is the only thing separating us) are having a huge fight. I hear very loud screaming and yelling and things being thrown about. I'm alone, I think, in the house; so it's quite scary. I just hope no one gets physically hurt...
  • Okay, as I am typing this, the yells are getting louder and more harsh. The guy is really pissed. And the girl is crying and I hear stuff stumbling and falling and being thrown...
  • Am talking to my darling to keep me company...actually feel a little scared with all the violence going on next door.
  • Sleepy time now...will try drowning out the voices with a pillow. Goodnight.. (finished typing this at 12:28am)

Love, Linzy~

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