Friday, March 13, 2009

Outrageous Fashion Victim

So we have to come in for work today as Fashion Victims...

But what is a fashion victim exactly? Someone who goes to lengths to look good, even if the fashion was inconvenient and uncomfortable but still pulls it off? Or is it someone who wants to be so fashionable but ends up none at all? Or is it a fashion that is outrageous? Say, for example, goth or punk etc? Or is it someone who mismatches everything in trying to fuse every fashion possible?

I have no idea.

Being no fashionista myself, I've no idea what's hot or not. I like clothes, yes, but like Ash says about me, I play it safe. I wear what I feel comfortable in and what is less risky or risque. So I didn't know which ways to go.

So this is what I have on today:

Striped light blue jeans+white baby tee+pink flowery blazer+straw hat (the one that you told me to take off in Langkawi, Sayang)+bright red jelly shoes+every piece of jewelry I have with me. It sounds more outrageous than it actually is...It's quite tame, really. But I don't know how I fare in people's eyes.

Anyway, coming into the office, I noticed that hardly anyone is being outrageous. It's getting me worried. Just a handful of people are actually in some getup, including me. So I feel a little ridiculous.

But I don't know. My teammate mentioned that there will be a general assembly today, so that's when everyone will change into their outfits. So for now, everyone's on the downlow. Not sure why. Maybe it's cos they didn't wanna embarass themselves on the way to work earlier. Or maybe cos it's essentially a competition, they didn't want anyone tiru-ing their look.

Anyhow, let's see how it'll go later. Will post up pictures if I get any.

So for now, happy being Fashion Victims fellow WKESPers.


1 comment(s):

FidZy Foxburr said...

think PCD.THOSE are fashion vics!

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