Wednesday, March 11, 2009

By any other name...

...would smell as sweet?

Well, maybe. But might be defined in many unsavoury ways.

Yanna tagged me for this one. I'm not gonna do this on Facebook cos the sudden influx of notes with people tagging people is getting a bit much. Not that I don't like reading them; but it's just that there are so many that by the time I have the time to read the one from the last time I was online, there would be a new one in its place. Hence, best I just not let mine get lost in the crowd and just put those here wher it'd be easier for me to read and refer to. Besides, Facebook is losing its flavour with me, the clutter and the applications are getting the better of it.

So anyway, here goes:

Go to [Urban Dictionary] and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the definition it gives you.

1. Your name?

- Lin

Obviously, the possibility of having Hazlin in their entry is very slim, so I went for the best alternative:

Usually a chinese last name belonging mainly to Taiwanese people. The name is also the first name of many chinese people and some chinese people also have this as their first name as well as last as other chinese people.

Wow...what a smart definition Jessica123.

2. Age?

- 23

The greatest number of all time.

Reasons why: It is...

1. a prime number, as are 2 and 3.
2. Michael Jordan's number.
3. the NBA record for most consecutive points scored by a single player in a game, done by none other than Michael Jordan.
4. the number of chromosomes in a human sperm or egg.
5. the angle between the earth's magnetic and rotational axis.
6. the Tropic of Cancer at 23 degrees N Latitude.
7. the Tropic of Capricorn at 23 degrees S Latitude.
8. a .com/website and the page is very cryptic.
9. the most quoted Psalm in the bible ("The Lord is my shepherd...")
10. the number of people executed in "A Tale of Two Cities"
11. the smallest number of people for which there is at least a 50% chance that two will share the same birthday.
12. the standard TCP/IP port for Telnet.
13. one of the "Lost" numbers on the television show....also the sum of two of the other numbers (8 & 15)and the solution to 42-15-4=23, all of which are also Lost numbers.
14. the number of times Caesar was stabbed in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.
15. has been prominently featured in the following: Serendipity, Futurama, Star Wars A New Hope, Monty Python The Life of Brian, Seinfeld, The Big Lebowski, The Matrix Reloaded, and Die Hard III among MANY MANY other movies.
16. the number of flavors Dr. Pepper claims to be a blend of.
17. the number of distinct orientations of Tetris pieces.
18. the sum of U2, the greatest band ever. U is the 21st letter of the alphabet + 2 = 23
19. the number of letters in the latin alphabet.
20. the number of the Illuminati.
21. the letter W in the english alphabet, a letter with 2 points down and 3 points up.
22. the smallest number of integer sided boxes that tile a box such that no two boxes share a common length.
23. the only US president to serve between nonconsecutive terms of another president (23rd president Benjamin Harrison serving between Grover Cleveland's terms).

3.One of your friends?

- Ash

Ok, just like my name, it's not likely I'd find definitions for my friends' names like, Ayus/Fairuz, Fidzy/Hafidzah, Aaina, Iylia...Oh, you get the picture. So I went with my (boy)friend's name, instead. Heh :p

Ok, there were too many to choose from, so I couldn't help picking out more than one.

  • Main character in the American version of the anime, Pokemon. I am guessing that Ash's mother was smoking weed when she named him. When she tried to think of a name, she looked all around, and then looked at her joint, and then Ash popped into mind. Anyway, Ash is the main character in Pokemon (except for a couple of Japanese series). His dream is to become a "Pokemon Master", whatever that is, and "Catch 'em all." How he will manage to catch all 493 Pokemon, God only knows. But for now, his signature Pokemon are Pikachu, Charizard, and Squirtle. - defined by kylezors
  • Coined by Drew Preiner, it simply means "friend".
  • Hero of the Evil Dead Series. Has a Chainsaw for his right hand and carrys a double-barrelled shotgun.
  • sexy, hot, oozing beauty, rare kind gentleman. :p

4. What should you be doing?

- Working

No , I'm not slacking off. It's just that my product hasn't been sent in yet by my Australian I'm waiting.

  • A term to describe the tedious and boring indentured servitude that most people are forced to endure to get money. Generally, not a pleasant experience.
  • The opposite of EA Games.

5. Favorite colour?

- Blue

The hue of the portion of the visible spectrum lying between green and indigo, evoked in a human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 420 to 490 nanometers.

6. Favorite number?

- 7

The number that ate 9. All the other numbers are scared of him.

7. Month of your birthday?

- December

The month in which the hottest women are born.
Enough said.

8. Last person you talked to?

- Ibu

Abbreviation of 'Ibuprofen'. Usually uttered when the speaker is too tired/lazy/hungover to complete the word.
e.g.: "Oh man, my head hurts. Pass me that ibu over there."

9. One of your nicknames?

- Linzy

A name initially coined by my BENdits in MCIIUM, namely Julia and Anis. At first, it was spelled Lin-Z, and later evolved to LinZ, then LinZy. Later on used by those closest to me in IIUM.

  • the awesomest hottest girl ever to live. A girly bad ass who thinks sex and love are what make the world go round. Hmmm...I'd like to test that theory.
  • a large bird shaped mammal found in fiji's lakes. They live off of peanut butter only & drink swiss brandy whilst swimming through pineapples.



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