Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This time, Last year...ep.2

This time last year, the Twisties' weekly hang-outs escalated to the point where we saw each other everyday. From lunch at the HS Square together, to after class group dinners and karaokes and lepak sessions, to the class pontenging (especially Literary Criticism and EAP mass lectures the next morning after a tiring lepak session the previous night) to go to Bangi Kopitiam, to hours of McDonald's/Burger King sessions, to drives and anyway else we found to get together and have some good get-together time.

We all became quite the inseparable bunch. It was something that I treasured very much. Well cherished memories; even if it did end on a bitter note in some ways. Having spent most of my university life in solitude (I had Aaina as my roommate for over 3 years, and Fidzy & Sarah earlier on; but for the most part, we never did quite go out very often), it was wonderful to fill the void that I often felt when alone for too long. It was good to be spending those otherwise quiet times with friends. It was just nice to have good company, good food and good laughs and conversations that had me falling asleep happy. It was quite a way to spend my last year as a university student.

Of course, under the surface, unbeknownst (I feel like Buffy when she said "...from whence it came". Possibly a result from hanging with Giles for too long) to myself, something was brewing and I would not realize it until it was boiling hot, with bubbles rushing hurriedly to break upon the face of the water. I always believed that the little things make up something bigger; well, this was the 'something bigger' that was happening to me. It would take a month to occur. And all the while in the interim, I was in total ignorance. Well, not totally... I had one person who constanly hinted to something more. Perhaps I just didn't listen; never gave much thought to the it being the something that was already brewing...

Ah well, how the tides turn in unexpected ways :)

Ronald aka Fidzy's ex-husband and his friend, the Voucher (or is it Vulture?)

Me and Yumi during one of our usual lepak sessions


Twisted Redface

aka Linzy

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