Saturday, March 28, 2009

95 Questions...

...for my idle hands to type out answers.


1. Who is your best boy friend?
- My Encik Sedil; both in terms of boy friend and boyfriend :)

2. If someone were to tell you they like you right now, would you care?
- Aaaw, that's really flattering, but I'm happily taken. So I have to say, no, I don't care.

3. Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?
- Fell hardest for? I'm still with him right now :)

4. Where did you last sleep other than your house?
- Last month at my Aunty Zah's house when my aunt was sick and was in ICU in DSH.

5. Do you have a best friend?
- Not just one one best friend. I have many good friends.

6. Do you smoke?
- Sinus and cigarettes don't mix; so no, I don't and have never tried, even.

7. Do you remember what you were like when you were a kid?
- Self-sufficient, had my head in the clouds, a Miss Know-all, thinks way too much, read too much, well liked and loved, tomboy-ish, and a natural born leader, if I say so myself :p

8. Can you vote for the next election?
- I can; but could care even less and less and less...

9. What are you listening to?
- Leef (Live) by Sarah Bettens

10. When will your next kiss be?
- Hopefully soon ;)

11. Who do you want to see right now?
- Encik Sedil

12. Ever had a sleepover with the opposite sex?
- Uuuh...what qualifies as a sleepover? I remember Elwyn always sleeping over when we were kids.

13. When did your last hug take place?
- What kinda hug we talkin' bout here? Had one from my family members not too long ago.

14. Do you date smart people?
- They're the only ones I even consider dating.

15. Where were you at 2:02pm this afternoon?
- Taking my antibiotics in my bedroom.

16. What does the last text in your phone says?
- To or from? To: Something to Encik Sedil. From: Something from CIMB Bank.

17. Do you use smiley faces on the computer a lot?
- Just the regular smilies.

18. Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
- Yep, many times. I especially remember that time with Encik Sedil, Lina and Yumi in the car when we were on the way to Sungai Pusu.

19. Who did you last eat with?
- My family.

20. Do you text a lot?
- Yes. Most of the time I am not in a convenient situation to have conversations on the phone, so I prefer texting.

21. How old will you be in 13 months?
- 24 and 4 months, approximately.

22. When is the last time you tattooed?
- Last week, with a felt pen.

23. If you like that person, will you talk about your feelings or hide them?
- A little of both. I talk about my feelings because I feel comfortable with them and sometimes hide it because I don't want them to think of me in a bad way.

24. Do you wear glasses?
- Used to...haven't in a long time. Although I think I would need them again soon. I wonder whether my company covers that...? Cos my line of work requires me to stare at the monitor for hours on end and my eyesight will definitely soon deteriorate.

25. What are you looking forward to in the next month?
- Hehe...The mark of our first year together :))

26. Will you talk to the person you like tonight?
- Definitely, yes.

27. What colour shirt are you wearing?
- Pink. I don't know why, for a person who likes blue and used to be known to be the one wearing blue, I've been buying/wearing a lot of pink lately.

28. Do you have a reason to smile right now?
- Always.

29. If you won a lot of money on the lottery, what would you buy first ?
- Wow, I don't know. An iPhone, maybe? Or a new laptop...? Or a vacation would be nice, too.

30. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you had a conversation with? What was it about?
- My Encik was just our daily hellos, just for the sake of hearing his voice.

31. Who was driving the last car you were in?
- My father.

32. Who was the last person that called you?
- My mother.

33. What are you craving right now?
- My Encik Sedil. Oh wait, were we talking about food? Oh, then it's Salmon sashimi :p

34. What if you married the last person you kissed?
- I'd be the happiest person ever :)

35. What are you excited about?
- The next time I get to see my Encik Sedil.

36. Ever kissed your number 1 on Facebook?
- Number 1? What is a number 1 on Facebook?

37. When was the last time you cried? And why?
- A few nights ago. I was sick and my head hurt and I was lonely. I just felt like it.

38. Ever kissed someone who's name starts with an A?
- Asdil!

39. Is there one person who can make you feel better no matter what?
- See above ^

40. Last person you hugged?
- Uuh...I think I answered this already. It was one of my family.

41. What were you doing at 2:00 am last night?
- Woke up in the middle of the night to switch off the lamp in the corner.

42. Have you cried today ?
- No.

43. What bed did you sleep in last night ?
- The bed in the back room of my house in Seremban. I needed the air-cond.

44. Are you currently frustrated with a girl/guy?
- Ermmm...not really.

45. Ever talked to someone that was high?
- According to my sources, yes...I didn't know it at the time, but it crossed my mind that he might have been.

46. Does it snow where you live?
- Nope.

47. When is the next time you will see your grandma?
- Insyaallah, sometime in the next few months.

48. Have you kissed or hugged someone today ?
- I don't think I have. I've been having a rather gloomy day and have been rather detached and unapproachable.

49. Will you be married in the next two years ?
- I've no such plans as of yet. But never say never.

50. Have you ever wanted someone you thought that you couldn't have?
- Yeah. It doesn't really matter now.

51. Are you in a relationship, single, complicated, married, or engaged?
- In a relationship!

52. How have you felt today ?
- A little moody, and gloomy, and heartsick.

53. Do you like your name?
- It's a part of loving oneself. So, definitely.

54. Are you happy at the moment?
- I am happy. But I could be happier.

55. What were you doing at 10:00pm last night ?
- Taking my antibiotics while waiting for food at a restaurant and feeling very moody.

56. Last person who drove you somewhere (besides your parents) ?
- Juliana, who drove me to the clinic and then back home last week.

57. Ever kissed someone in a closet?
- Closet closet closet...? I don't recall...but maybe ;)

58. Do you live alone ?
- Nope, with three student housemates (2 MMU students, 1 Lim Kok Wing student).

59. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex that you can talk to?
- Several. Alfred, Idzaid, Hamzah, Raqib.

60. Are you crazy ?
- I would be lying if I said no. I am barking mad.

61. Who was the last person to call you 'babe'?
- None that I can think of.

62. How has this past week been for you?
- Tiring, painful, stressed out and lonely, and just needing love and company.

63. Last thing you drank ?
- Warm water.

64. Do you believe that every thing happens for a reason?
- Yes, it happens the way it does because of our choices and actions, and the reason it does is that we should take what we can from it so we can either learn from it and do better as time goes by.

65. Could you ever forgive a cheater?
- I forgive and forget easily; so if it is nothing major that I will remember, yeah, I'll forgive.

66. If you were reincarnated as a sea creature, what would you want to be?
- A mermaid, maybe...? I was gonna say Siren, but they are lonely, destructive creatures.

67. What do you normally order when you're at McDonald's?
- Double Cheeseburger McValue Meal! Bring on the cheese!

68. Last book you read?
- The Girl in the Picture

69. Describe your mood.
- A little gloomy. But otherwise, usually upbeat and positive.

70. Describe the last time you were injured?
- Uuh...this week, I somewhat sprained my ankle due to some impromptu jogging.

71. Of all your friends, who would you want to be stuck in a well with?
- Fidzy

72. Rock concert or symphony?
- Rock concert, preferably K's Choice, or the Goo Goo Dolls, or maybe Tori Amos.

73. Do you like taking the LRT?
- I'm so used to them that I hardly feel it anymore. But I like watching the various people you meet on them.

74. If you could only use a form of transportation, what would it be?
- A car. I wanna drive my car now. Please, pretty please?

75. What's your favorite kind of cake?
- Cheese. Or maybe carrot & walnut.

76. Look 20 degrees to your left, what do you see?
- A very messy table top.

77. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
- Yes, I do.

78. Do you buy your own groceries?
- Occasionally, yes. Mainly cos I don't have the luxury to go on my own, and I mostly go grocery shopping with family.

79. What's your favorite fruit?
- Rambutans? Or apples, maybe? Or is it honeydew? Or watermelon? I dunno...I don't think I have a favourite.

80. Do you like running long distances?
- Not at the moment. I am too out of shape.

81. Have you ever eaten snow?
- I think I have, yes.

82. What colours are your bedsheet?
- Different shades of blue.

83. Do you hate someone very badly at this moment?
- I don't hate. So I don't think so, no. Or just my reviewer....just a teensy bit, just right now.

84. Do you watch Spongebob?
- Definitely! In fact, he lives in my room, and Ash doesn't like him :p

85. What temperature is it outside right now?
- Windy, but humid, nonetheless.

86. Do you consider yourself smart?
- If you don't mind me saying, yes I do.

87. How many piercings do you have?
- Three on each ear.

88. What language do you speak at home?
- Rojak.

89. How do you feel about your family?
- Dysfunctional. For the most part, they are affectionate, unconditionally loving, nurturing and ever concern; but occasionally, they can grate on my nerves. I am just one person; and cannot be pulled every which way and that.

90. What time did you go to bed yesterday?
- 12.00am. I was tired and just wanted to sleep after a long day.

91. What CD is currently in your CD player?
- The Beekeeper from Tori Amos

92. What do you want for Christmas this year?
- It's not so much about Christmas, it's about my 24th birthday... And I want those who matter with me on that day; like last year. Don't care much for presents if the people I care about the most are by my side.

93. Favorite ice-cream?
- Green tea

94. What's the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name?
- This is Malaysia, and usually they pronounce everything baku, and yet, when it comes to my name which is clearly pronounced the way it is spelt; some people pronounce it: Hezlin, Hazeline, Hezrin, Hezelin, Hizlin, Haz-line etc. It's annoying.

95. Lastly, whats your favourite colors?
- Blue, Red, Black, Pink.


Phew, finally I'm done.

Do go ahead and copy+paste and answer them should you have nothing better to do, like myself.


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