Saturday, November 22, 2008

Cookie Toss

My days lately have been blemished by the shadow of mild nausea. It hovers slighly by, present, but not altogether there. It's made worse by my habit of eating no earlier than 10 or 11, because by the time I want to actually have something to eat, I'd feel like tossing my cookies. Not that I have had any cookies yet, mind.

Wait, before you jump to conclusions. No, I'm not pregnant.

I think it's my sleeping patterns. Well, not think, it is the sleeping habits I've been falling into. Not having anything much to do the next day has prompted me to be awake the night away being online and such. It's not that I have anything in particular to do when I am awake at night... It's only that I find that the nighttime is my favourite part of the day, and I like being up at that time to savour it.

But of course, the downside is that in the day I would feel a dull throbbing in my head and an incessant lethargy. And the fact that I have nothing to do in the day makes me all the more sluggish, and thus not contributing to my situation. If I was up and about, I'd at least be able to force my brain to be up and going to chase off sleep and headaches.

So, I suppose, tonight I'd schedule my shuteye to an earlier time. But earlier for me would mean about 1am or so. Well, it's better than nothing anyway.

Anyhow, I'm off for a kenduri today and have to visit my uncle who is not feeling so well. Saturdays are always a little busy for me. Who says that weekends are relaxing, I have no idea. But no lah, I'm not complaining, cos I haven't been out for days, and I'm getting a little bored.

*sigh* Another month til the beginning of the new semester... I'm missing you like supercrazy, Sayang. Counting the days til I get to see you. I love you.

Signing off, I've to go get ready now. Catch you later.


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