Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I've Got a Theory!

Or theories, more like.

After finding out that my entire stash of BtVS S8 comics had gotten damp because of God-knows-what, I had to iron out every single page to crispy flatness. I panicked when I found them all crinkly and stuck together, and almost had a panic attack. Thankfully, I managed to peel the pages apart safely and the only tell-tale signs now that they ever got wet is the slight yellowish discolouration. But even that makes me rather pissed...but well, better than having them ruined.

But anyway, after ironing them, I took to rereading them from the beginning to catch any details that might have been overlooked before. Now that I am catching up with the plot, it's good to look back and detect whatever that will foreshadow the future; which is a signature Joss style.

Rereading them comics had me wondering who Twilight is. He strikes me as a character that that knows Buffy well; and as someone we audience have seen before... But who? And why? So I started making an inventory of the likely suspects:

[Spoiler Alert!]
  1. Caleb - his sexist statement "Just like a girl" and his knowing "that move" reminds me alot of that scary preacher guy (nevermind the fact that the same actor is my beloved Captain Reynolds). But he got halved, and should be dead...
  2. Angel - I've read this theory somewhere, and there is some truth to it; especially the frame where he holds Buffy's face close (issue #11), it looks exactly like the move Angelus pulled in Season 2. Plus, Angelus' advice to Spike once was that to kill Buffy, you have to love her, and to know where her weakness lies; and Twilight's speech at the end of Issue #11 is reminiscent of that.
  3. Spike - Only because of Twilight's build. Oh, and the fact that Spike is not quite a fan of magic. Other than that, I doubt it is Spike...but who knows? His Yoko Factor strategy is coming to play again, as seen in Issue #9. But the accent is all wrong. So, maybe not...?
  4. Ethan Rayne - He crossed my mind, but since he's dead, it couldn't be him...or is he? After all, death doesn't nececssarily mean the end in the Buffyverse.
  5. Xander - After the Fray crossover, and Willow (of the future) dying and all; I kept wondering what happened to Xander? Where does Xander fit into the future? Surely what happened between Willow and Buffy has Xander in the mix. They are after all, the original three. So I'm not totally ruling out a future Xander bitter at Buffy for all the heartache he's been through. And that line "My first gift is my last"...kinda reminds me of the fact that Xander gave Buffy life, and he wants to take it away... I know that doesn't really link up nicely, but it's one of my strongest theories. Oh, and the part when Twilight scratches his neck? It was like when Xander thought he was gonna get gills and turn into the sea creature in Season 2's Go Fish. And the next frame has Satsu reiterating that people who love Buffy get hurt...and Xander is definitely a candidate.
  6. Riley - He got scratched out of my list as soon as I read Issue #21. I mean, what the heck?

I can't think of anymore. I'm trying to shortlist a few more candidates that seem to fit the bill, but no one else is coming to mind at the moment. Oh, and when I started writing this, I actually had my strongest of suspicions that it is Angel...but as I began elaborating, I realized that my money's on Xander. Anyone care to share theories?

Love, Hazlin~

P/s: I wrote this in a hurry, so excuse the half-baked theories and explanations. Will (hopefully!) explain with as much finesse as I can muster soon...especially on the bit about Xander. Til then!

4 comment(s):

Yanna said...

...could it be bunnies? Hehehe.

Hazlin Aminudin said...

Or maybe midgets? :p

Yanna said...

Gotta love Anya. :p To add to the Angel theory, he was also the only one around to witness Caleb's, er, split, which correlates with the "I know that move" line. Although I'm hoping that it is not Angel. How can he be handling all the hoo-ha in LA and menacing Buffy in Scotland and elsewhere at once? Maybe it's a manifestation/guise of Angel?

Hazlin Aminudin said...

True, that was part of the reason why I initially suspected Angel... But could it be him? But wasn't Spike there, too...? The part when Caleb was made into julienne preacher?

What is the Season 8 timeline anyway? Why do I get this feeling that it is post Season 5 of Angel, meaning that it has been a year since the fall of Sunnydale... If it is, then the Angel theory wouldn't be so far off.

So many theories, so little leads.

I cannot believe some people think it's either Oz or Andrew... Unless they grow at least a foot taller, I doubt they're Twilight :p

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