Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Linzy Morning

Ah, another morning at work. I'm getting used to this. Although at first, I felt like not waking up in the morning due to a bout of tossing and turning that lasted about two-thirds of my sleeping time. It was just one of those nights, I guess; when my body doesn't want to shut down when I tell it to. I think I only got about two hours in, accumulatively.

But I managed to wake up, albeit being about 10 minutes later than usual. Went through the normal order: a wake-up shower, getting out and drying off, lotion+powder+perfume, toner+moisturizer, clothes, make-up, and then breakfast... Oh yes, breakfast.

But breakfast wasn't the normal affair today. First of all, I forgot the alarm on the door and so it went off and probably woke up the entire first floor. Then, the kitchen greeted me with the stench of rotting food and the usual cat piss and crap... Ugh. I scrunched up my nose, snatched my tub of butter from the fridge and ran back to my room a.s.a.p. I couldn't stand being in that place for too long. I made meself a sandwich and made that excruciating journey back to the kitchen to put the butter back in the fridge. Hating the smell, I took my can of air freshener amd sprayed the kitchen and the living room as well. Thankfully, they (my housemates) came out of their rooms right after that. So hopefully they get the hint when they smell that overload of lavender smelling mist.

I stopped to check my e-mail and Facebook before I left, since I had some extra time on my hands. I aired out my room for a little, and sprayed some Febreeze onto my mattress to give a fresh smell when I retire to bed tonight. Hung up some clothes that I threw around the previous night, and sprayed some air freshener as I walked out the door.

I then walked a bit down to the Block A carpark where Juliana was waiting for me, got in the car and had our normal chit-chat in the morning. Parked and made that short walk to our office. We get to the fourth floor, enter our office and part ways to our respective team's section.Now I'm in my workstation, typing this out as I kill time, waiting for my training to start at 9.30am.

So that's a weekday morning in the life of Linzy. Routine, kinda boring and a far cry from what I would have done about 3-4 months ago. It's mind-boggling how rapidly life can change. I've traded classrooms for an office. Instead of writing essays for the lecturer to read, I wait for what people write and I check them for mistakes. Sometimes I cannot believe that I am at this point now.

After work would usually have me back home and lounging about, maybe snoozing for a bit. I would wake up later to prepare a light dinner while watching a movie on my laptop. Or on some nights I'd Ayus and Fairuz take me out for dinner, or I'd go to Ayus' and lepak with her for a bit for some company. Then it's back home, when I'd iron my clothes and have a shower before I sleep and repeat the day over.

This new life that I have makes me long for the good ol' days filled with familiarity, The mahallahs and my compartment, walking down the beloved BC stairs, walking around in the IRKHS hallways, classes and the lecturers and most of all, the familiar faces of those I call my Sayang and my friends. It'll be sight for sore eyes to see them all again. It's been quite a while now.

Anyhow, training is in a few, so I'll sign off for now. I'm off to go through my morning. A new morning. Welcome Linzy~


4 comment(s):

hamizah said...

hey babe,

Welcome to the job-land dear! Wooohoo!

I hope you will get through the day with passion and lotsa of luck.

If you didn't notice yet,there is shuttle bus at terminal putra gombak to go to Cyberjaya in every hour.
So then you could meet your sayang. hehe

How convenient aight?


hamizah said...

oh i forgot to type this;

Mimi save the day. Or not. :)

Hazlin Aminudin said...

Oh, really?! Wow, I didn't know that. Is it a direct bus, or do I have to transit? If you tau the bus number, lemme know, boleh I try it out... Although I'm getting my car soon, so I might no longer have to take the bus :p

Anyhow, thank you, Mimi. Yes, Super Mimi saves the day. Yeay! Have fun at work; and I'm definitely enjoying mine :)

hamizah said...


Yeah 'Wonder-Mimi- saves the day.

It is a direct bus. I have friend who commute from gombak to cyberjaya everyday. He's using the bus to commute. I'm not quite sure on the us no,. But the last time i went to terminal putra the bus has this huge sign 'Cyberjaya' and it is RapidKL bus. And, the seats are much comfortable than the usual RapidKL bus.

Maybe you may want to get some details on the bus at RapidKL official website. So then you will know where will be the last stop.

Good luck! :)

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