Friday, February 27, 2009
Lucky 7
I forgot on whose blog I found this, but I just thought it'd be a nice way to pass the time. Besides, the questions seem interesting.
7 facts you may not know about me
- I would have had another sibling three years younger than I am. But my mother miscarried.
- I dislike being called 'Ayin' by my peers. It's a name reserved only for family, whether immediate or extended. But I suppose someone overheard it being used and decided to use it, too. I personally prefer 'Lin' or my actual name, even.
- I was actually due to be born on the 4th of January 1986; and nowhere within 1985.
- I would have been named either Sarah (my mum's idea), Heidi (also mum's) or Azlin (my mother's); but my father objected to all of them, particularly 'Azlin'. Him having the initial 'A' provided him with much experience of being called first for everything.
- I have a birthmark on my right arm; just a darkened patch of skin.
- I only act ditzy for the satisfaction of seeing a person's face change when their perception of me is proven wrong. Or, so to not seem like an exasperating know-all. Or, so to not draw too much attention to myself. But for the most part, to get out of trouble.
- I am of no mix heritage (as far as I know, anyway), nor have I ever lived overseas; contrary to popular belief(s).
7 things that scare me
- Losing the people I love.
- Being the only person left (it's scarier than any horror movie, being alone).
- Bringing my defences down.
- Departing without leaving an impact or change or a contribution.
- Being told that I am insignificant, or not good enough.
- Never marrying and never having my own children.
- Never being able to record everything that crosses my thoughts. Which is why I write alot. Sometimes about utter nonsense. But writing gives me purpose; regardless of content.
7 songs that I like most
- Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
- Always - Bon Jovi
- Angel - Sarah McLachlan
- Who Will Save Your Soul? - Jewel
- Playboy Mommy - Tori Amos
- I'll Be - Edwin McCain
- Strong - Robbie Williams
7 phrases that I say the most
- Bloody hell.
- What the heck? or What the frickin' hell...?
- Tulaa pasal... (yes, Hamz. I'm still using it til this day)
- ...lah.
- Yep yep.
- Okey dokey.
- No problemo.
7 of my precious things
We talking about people, inanimate objects, or both? I'll go for objects; for people, the list is too long.
- My Claddagh ring
- My laptop
- My phone
- My collection of Whedonverse-related stuff
- My collection of photographs (whether digital or in print)
- My journals
- My poetry
7 memorable first times
- *that*
- oh yeah, that
- uh-huh, that, too
- not to forget that ;)
- also that
- definitely that, and
- that!
7 friends to tag
- Encik Sedilku
- Fidzy
- Bella
- Idzaid
- Sarah
- Anis
- Yanna
- ...and actually everyone else who's a regular reader. Sorry I can't tag everyone. But you know who you are :)
Love, Hazlin~
- Tags angel, buffy, family, fire, friends, joss whedon, love, music, people, question, randomness, tag, thoughts, whedonverse
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Thursday, February 26, 2009
I couldn't sleep. I have you on my mind.
No particular reason, and in no particular context.
There's just you.
Random images of you flashes from one to the next.
Just you.
Smiling. Laughing. Thinking. Smoking. Driving. Sleeping. Being.
Just as you are.
An abstraction of what I call my comfort, ning jing. My sanity. My love.
Perhaps I just miss you.
- Tags emotions, fire, love, thoughts
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I've Got a Theory!
Or theories, more like.
After finding out that my entire stash of BtVS S8 comics had gotten damp because of God-knows-what, I had to iron out every single page to crispy flatness. I panicked when I found them all crinkly and stuck together, and almost had a panic attack. Thankfully, I managed to peel the pages apart safely and the only tell-tale signs now that they ever got wet is the slight yellowish discolouration. But even that makes me rather pissed...but well, better than having them ruined.
But anyway, after ironing them, I took to rereading them from the beginning to catch any details that might have been overlooked before. Now that I am catching up with the plot, it's good to look back and detect whatever that will foreshadow the future; which is a signature Joss style.
Rereading them comics had me wondering who Twilight is. He strikes me as a character that that knows Buffy well; and as someone we audience have seen before... But who? And why? So I started making an inventory of the likely suspects:
- Caleb - his sexist statement "Just like a girl" and his knowing "that move" reminds me alot of that scary preacher guy (nevermind the fact that the same actor is my beloved Captain Reynolds). But he got halved, and should be dead...
- Angel - I've read this theory somewhere, and there is some truth to it; especially the frame where he holds Buffy's face close (issue #11), it looks exactly like the move Angelus pulled in Season 2. Plus, Angelus' advice to Spike once was that to kill Buffy, you have to love her, and to know where her weakness lies; and Twilight's speech at the end of Issue #11 is reminiscent of that.
- Spike - Only because of Twilight's build. Oh, and the fact that Spike is not quite a fan of magic. Other than that, I doubt it is Spike...but who knows? His Yoko Factor strategy is coming to play again, as seen in Issue #9. But the accent is all wrong. So, maybe not...?
- Ethan Rayne - He crossed my mind, but since he's dead, it couldn't be him...or is he? After all, death doesn't nececssarily mean the end in the Buffyverse.
- Xander - After the Fray crossover, and Willow (of the future) dying and all; I kept wondering what happened to Xander? Where does Xander fit into the future? Surely what happened between Willow and Buffy has Xander in the mix. They are after all, the original three. So I'm not totally ruling out a future Xander bitter at Buffy for all the heartache he's been through. And that line "My first gift is my last"...kinda reminds me of the fact that Xander gave Buffy life, and he wants to take it away... I know that doesn't really link up nicely, but it's one of my strongest theories. Oh, and the part when Twilight scratches his neck? It was like when Xander thought he was gonna get gills and turn into the sea creature in Season 2's Go Fish. And the next frame has Satsu reiterating that people who love Buffy get hurt...and Xander is definitely a candidate.
- Riley - He got scratched out of my list as soon as I read Issue #21. I mean, what the heck?
I can't think of anymore. I'm trying to shortlist a few more candidates that seem to fit the bill, but no one else is coming to mind at the moment. Oh, and when I started writing this, I actually had my strongest of suspicions that it is Angel...but as I began elaborating, I realized that my money's on Xander. Anyone care to share theories?
Love, Hazlin~
P/s: I wrote this in a hurry, so excuse the half-baked theories and explanations. Will (hopefully!) explain with as much finesse as I can muster soon...especially on the bit about Xander. Til then!
- Tags angel, buffy, joss whedon, question, thoughts, whedonverse
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tea and Biscuits
I used to walk into my office pantry and wonder why I would overhear my fellow colleagues discussing the biscuits and the array of coffee and tea provided by the company. I would hear things like "I prefer the other coffee. You know, that one that you press the button ma..." or, "Aiya, don't have any more la the chocolate biscuits, finish already". I would wonder why these people would actually sit at the pantry and discuss biscuits and beverages.
I wondered at first. After all, being a newbie made me feel like I didn't have the creds to actually critique the way of life here on this fourth floor of FSBM Plaza. Being a newbie also made me feel quite small and out-of-place to actually walk up to the pantry and brew myself a nice cup of something. So really, I don't actually have any say on the matter; both because I feel too new and because I haven't actually tried.
But today, having done some fair share of proofreading and filing, and since I do have a mug on my desk that reeks of unfulfilled potential; I decided to finally join the ranks of my fellow colleagues. So I went to the pantry, or as we call it, e-Pub, and looked at the myriad of colours. We have microwaves, toasters, hot/cold water dispensers, mineral water dispenser, a fridge and a Nestle drinks dispenser. On top of that, the company provides sachets of coffee mix, tea (all kinds; green tea, milk tea etc), sugar, milk and biscuits. I was spoilt for choice.
After deciding that I was gonna be malas today and not bother with something that requires more than two steps, I went to the Nestle hot drinks dispenser, put my mug at the designated spot and pressed for Choco-cino. And voila, I have a steaming mugful of delicious smelling yumminess. After snagging a few biscuits, I was good to go.
Back at my desk, I sat down and enjoyed my bounty while I started proofreading. Soon, I was back for more... This time it was Milo. And then more... Damn, I'm gonna put on weight from all this.
So it looks like I've finally gotten comfortable. Just hope I don't get too comfortable and decide to hog the dispenser... But for now, lemme enjoy my cup of green tea to soothe my senses and continue proofreading.
- Tags food, thoughts, work
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Monday, February 23, 2009
Just felt like saying...
The start of another week at work gives me the familiar longing for it to still be the weekend; or makes me wish I could fast forward to the next. It's only my fourth week working; and already the monotony is setting in.
But then I look down to my left wrist, and the brilliant blue that rests there reminds me of wonderful solace you never ceasingly provided that blanketed me; despite the bitter cold of the weekend past. It reminds me of your love that comforts me.
I wish I could spend lazy mornings and delicious brunches and movie nights with you; instead of being in a cold office and staring at the monitor all day. But at the end of the day, it makes me appreciate you all the more.
So despite the dreariness the day brings, these baubles on my wrist puts a smile on my face. And because of that, I just feel like saying:
- Tags emotions, fire, love, work
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Sunday, February 22, 2009
These past few days have been trying. I couldn't even put to words how I've been feeling in the span of time it took for everything to happen. This would be one of those times when everything goes on automatic, and your body and mind just goes into default to do what it has to do. Thankfully, I have a wonderful family who stick together through thick and thin, and we have loyal family friends; who were all with us through the entire ordeal. And I have my amazing Ash, who was there not just for me, but my family as well. For my sanity, I owe you, Sayang; for keeping me calm. And to Him, I owe him my strength.
It's hard to explain how the days went by. Words, as strong as they are, counts for nothing in times like these...
But let me break it down to points, for my sake and yours, because I have no other way to recount the days.
- My mother told me that Mum's condition got worse; she's unconcious and she is not responding to medication. She has to be put into ICU for observation, because of her erratic BP, sugar level and temperature. She's even speaking in tongues, and has to be strapped down cos she's delirious and struggling.
- My mother couldn't pick me up since I was out of the way, and suggested I went there myself. Thankfully, Ash manage to get a hold of a car, and came to get me from Cyberjaya, after work. Went home to change and get some things and then left for DSH.
- Got to DSH and went to see Mum. She was unconcious but in fits; I got so heartbroken seeing her like that, so helpless.
- Sat in the DSH lobby as relative/friends kept coming in; greeted and talked to them until visiting hours ended.
- Ash and I were delegated to buy dinner for everyone; so we went to Baiti's, where we met Fidzy and family.
- Had dinner at Aunty Zah's house while waiting for the KB fols to get to KL, so that Ash and I could go pick them up and show them the way to TTDI.
- Went to pick Echik, Echu, Chu, Uncle Me and Nenek who got lost in Kepong town; and then brought them back to Aunty Zah's place.
- It was getting late and I had work the next day, so Ash brought me back to Cyberjaya. Was restless for half of the night worrying about my aunt, but thankfully fell into exhausted sleep after a while.
- Went to work, but was worrying and worrying. My mind was all over the place despite having to go for a few briefings... Hopefully my colleagues don't think I am an absent-minded person who couldn't be relied on.
- Had lunch with Ash. Got to work late after lunch. And had work piled on me like crazy. Next week will be hell. Was so tired from lack of sleep that I had to retreat to the (very very clean) restroom to doze a bit. I only woke up when I realized I was snoring too loud.
- Ash picked me up from work at 5. Got held back abit, and had a pitstop at Alamanda; so we pushed off quite late; plus with the jams and all. En route, the car headlights died on us.
- Was too late to go see Mum, so Ash sent me to Aunty Zah's place. Ash went to Fidzy's to figure out the car problems; but since it couldn't be fixed, I couldn't get back to Cyber. Was wishing that I stayed in Cyber that day.
- Had to sleep in Aunty Zah's place despite not having a change of anything. That made me quite cranky :(
- Woke up early and went out with Ash for breakfast and to buy some necessities. Went around TTDI to get this and that.
- Ash dropped me off at DSH cos he needed to settle the car prob and also send it back to Gombak.
- Was at DSH the entire day til night checking on Mum, meeting visitors and relatives etc.
- Mum seems a whole lot better, eventhough she is still a little weak and groggy. Her coordination is just out and she is trembling a little, but otherwise, fine. Has a little of her old self back; albeit without the usual punch. Yet still a relief to see.
- The KB folks, all but Nenek. left for Kelantan, since Sunday is working day and because my Chu has an appointment for chemotherapy.
- Slept over another night at Aunty Zah's place.
- Had breakfast, packed up, and headed to DSH. Mum has definitely improved drastically and now is slowly recovering. InsyaAllah, if her situation gets better and there's no need for intensive observation, then she can be moved out to a normal ward.
- Mum can talk and be her normal self, and is actually eating. Her coordination, too, has improved and she doesn't tremble as much. She's just eager to get out.
- Ash came by to visit and we stayed to chat with Mum for a bit before we both had to leave.
- Left for Cyber; and that's where I am now. I'm relieved and I could definitely sleep easy tonight without worry. I just hope Mum gets better really soon.
If I were to go into details, Blogger would probably issue their first ever reminder that I am exceeding the sane limit of anyone's writing in a single sitting. So, this will suffice, although it'll never express the myriad of thoughts and feelings I had about what I felt and saw in those days.
Before I sign off, I want to thank everybody for their concern and prayers and support. To everyone who sent me their regards and words whether here on this blog, on Facebook or by phone or sms; thank you. You know who you are, of course :) My family (whether immediate or extended) who stuck together in adversity, and friends far and wide who came by to give support. And my Sayang, for being patient, ever-surprising and loving; I cannot thank you enough. I love you all to pieces. All your words and care counted for alot, and it worked wonders for my Mum. And of course, I thank You most of all, Almighty.
Thank you.
Love, Hazlin~
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Mum II
My Mum is in ICU now. She's starting to speak in tongues. My parents won't be picking me up cos it's out of the way and they're in a hurry. And I might not be able to leave til at least 4pm or so. But Ash will be picking me up; he's coming right after class and we'll leave for Damansara Specialist Centre. InsyaAllah, I hope everything will be ok.
- Tags emotions, family, love
- (3) Comments
My aunty is in hospital. No, not aunt. My Mum. The other mother in my life. My mother just called, Mum seems to be critical... It started yesterday when she had a combination of high sugar+high blood pressure+high fever. I might be going off from work later with my parents to see her. Or Ash might be picking me up after his class. I still dont know... My God, this cannot be happening.
- Tags emotions, family, love
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Dance of Joy
I've met another Whedonite! I've met another Whedonite!
As it turns out, Juliana, my fellow new recruit, the person whom I carpool with, the one whom I walk to work and joke with, go for training with and sometimes have lunch and get chased by dogs with is a Whedonite. Yes, a Whedonite. And here I thought they were becoming extinct.
I discovered it over lunch while I was explaining to her why I don't watch much tv; about how a certain Director Extrodinnaire have ruined me for tv. I just opened my mouth to say "His shows are Buff..." and Juliana says, "Oh, you mean Joss Whedon? I love his shows!"... And I am left dumbfounded with my mouth hanging open.
We talked for over an hour...Discussing episodes and season and characters. We talked about Dollhouse, Firefly/Serenity and Dr. Horrible...Yup, Linzy was in her element, and I had to pause and tell her that this is what happens when you get me started. Before long, we realized we're already late and should've been back in the office about 10 minutes ago :p
It's a relief for me to let go; because a huge part of me is influenced by Joss Whedon's philosophy and thought. And to be able to discuss it freely and have the other person know what you are talking about is a rare treat for me. I mean, I know people who watch those shows, but not many would know scenes and certain characters and quotes and all those little details. People whom I actually know who are in the know of the Whedonverse are only a handful...and you know who you guys are :)
So, me over here, somewhere in my mind is doing Numfar's Dance of Joy.
JWIMMN (for the benefit of those not in the know, it means Joss Whedon is My Master Now),
- Tags angel, buffy, emotions, firefly, friends, joss whedon, love, movies, people, serenity, thoughts, whedonverse, work
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Do You Want to Play?
Not 10 minutes ago, Juliana and I were chased by dogs. Or to be more specific, two puppies and their mother.
We parked at our normal spot down the road from our office and walked the rest of the way like we did every morning and lunch time. But today, as we were walking down the pathhway, we spied three cute little creatures from across the road. At first I was going "Aaaw...cute little puppies out for a walk with their mommy". Then I realized that the puppies had us in their sights, their big puppy-dog eyes looking in our direction. The next thing we knew was that they came bounding towards us.
I was like, "Sh*t, they wanna play".
The puppies started circling us and leaping up at us playfully; jumping atop one another to get our attention. They wagged their tails and stuck out their tongues; obviously used to playing cute to get food. I was half laughing and half scared; laughing cos they were cute, and scared thinking that they might bite us if we don't give them anything.
Their mom, probably knowing that her pups were misbehaving, kept nipping at them and pulled them aside. But the two little devils kept running from her and kept bothering us. This particularly cute little brown one was so spirited that it decided to put its paws on my leg and look up at me, all hopeful for food. It stayed like that and was playfully growling. If not for the fact that I am a Muslim, I would have scratched its head. Thankfully, it started jumping up and down again and let go of my leg.
I was afraid for my friend, Juliana. It turns out that she has a sort of fear for dogs and was panicking and backing away. She didn't know what to do, and looked like she was about to scream and run or cry or something. I quickly grabbed her arm and we walked away slowly. Because the mommy dog was getting defensive of her pups when Juliana backed away from them, and I was afraid the dog would attack. I pulled Juliana away towards the building slowly, hoping not to pique the dogs' attention. And thankfully, an Indian guy who was closeby called the dogs with food or something, and the dogs went away from us.
Jue looked like she was hyperventilating abit, but cooled down as we walked. As we took the elevator up to the office, we were already laughing. I'm glad she feels better. I was afraid she'd be traumatized at how the dogs were after us.
I recounted the story to my teammates, whom I hope did not see us getting ambushed. Our team's office corner overlooked the place where we got attacked, but no one saw.
Hehe, that was a funny experience, albeit scary, too; thinking that they might have bit us or worse. But I couldn't blame them. They were puppies, after all. And all they wanted to do was play.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
NTW: 'It Takes Two to Tango' Pictures
As far as I am concerned, this guy is the star :) Regrets?
The cast and crew
More pictures [here] on Facebook
It Takes Two
My Sayang's theatrical performance last night was fantastic! Just as I knew it would be.I enjoyed it very very very much and couldn't help the surge of pride as I watched from the audience knowing that it's my boyfriend up there :)
It was the Nusantara Theatre Week (NTW) opening night last night. After training, Fidzy, who finished class at 3.30pm and came to Cyberjaya with Shu; picked me up and so that we could go to UIA and watch the play. Before that, we stopped at my place so I could take a shower and change; and then we headed to a Thai restaurant at Cyberjaya's Street Mall cos I wanted to belanje Fidzy and Shu since I got my first paycheck and all :p We then left for Gombak, where we waited til the play started; with me catching up with my coursemates whom I haven't seen in a long time. Got to see Ash for a bit before he had to go back in again.
The theme for the NTW was Women and Independence; thus all the plays this week would bear that theme in mind. Ash's play, 'It Takes Two to Tango' was about how the relationship between husband and wife needs a sense of harmony. Being a wife need not be about kow-towing to your husband to the extent where he takes you for granted, as portrayed by the character, Linda, with Ash acting the insensitive husband, Wazir. Nor does it mean by being independent to the point where you become deluded to think that you are better than everyone else, especially your husband; as the characters Najwa and Arshad portrayed.
The play was about two married couples and how each couple were so out of sync with one another. Either party in both couples were each the other's oppposite, making you wonder why A didn't marry C, and B didn't marry D? It contrasted between the two extreme types of married women, and how in the end, neither wins. Of course, their husbands, too, play a role in that; and not saying that it was the wives fault alone nor the husbands. The simple message (yet with deeper resonance) is this; when it all comes down to it, before the curtains were drawn close; the play was trying to say that marriage is about being a team and finding common ground so to do each other's part fairly. One cannot be in isolation of the other, and in the end; you'll only lose out when you find that the you're left carrying one side of the weight, while having to drag the other side along behind you.
Ash performed the character well, of course :) Since he didn't tell me what it was about in advance, I went into the auditorium blind, and was very surprised to see my Sayang dancing on stage. Hehe...left me wide-eyed a little, before I actually came to my senses and clapped with the rest of the audience. The rude, arrogant and insensitive husband character was alive as Ash played it to the fore. I hope you are not like that yeah, Sayang? J/k... I had my laughs, and had the moments of awe and smiles... And all in all, I was just proud to be the one the guy walked towards to after the curtains fell.
After the play, it was nice to be in the presence of one of the stars... My own personal Star, that is. And since I haven't seen Ash for nearly a month, it felt very good to be able to just be near, even if I had to leave in the next twenty minutes or so. Auntie Yati, Uncle RoC and Nana was there as well, since Nani was directing the play; so I introduced Ash to one of my mak angkats (Auntie Yati is my mom's best friend, so she's pretty much like a mom, too). Apparently, my mom told me that Ash got Auntie Yati's approval as well :) Although, my mom warns you that you might just be in for some more traumatizing experiences, forewarned.
I got to spend some moments with Ash... Well, moments when adoring fans aren't flocking him. But it was still something anyway. Took some pictures after, then was goofing about with Auntie Yati. Auntie Yati had offered to send me to KL Sentral, so I had to leave when they did.., felt quite sad that I couldn't spend longer time with Ash. Going home actually felt cruel; especially at the thought that it's mighty lonely back in my apartment. I'll only be going home to an empty room.
So I had to go... Felt like I didn't want to let go of Ash's hand. Eventually I did and I left with Auntie Yati. It took me less than an hour to get back, which was quite a surprise. Reached around 11.10pm and did my laundry, had a shower and then slept. And now, I'm back at work, and wondering when will I get to see my Sayang again...
I may be able to be independent. I can live on my own and be self-sufficient; especially with me earning my own cash now and all. I can pay off my own bills, and get to places myself and am mobile without much preamble other than worrying about safety measures and all. I am limited within certain restrictions, but otherwise I'm pretty fine when by myself. But then, after living day in and day out in solitude, not being able to have some down time with your significant other; you appreciate the reality that, it really does take two to tango, because it's no fun waltzing with air.
I love you, Sayang..
P/S: Pictures will be posted soon when I get home from work :)
WWJD Next?
I read this article this morning, from my trusty newsletter I get in my inbox every now and then. And reading it gave my heart the familiar tug whenever I watch some of them scenes here in the list. It's just one of those reasons that keeps Whedonites coming back for more. After all, Joss said once, "I don't give them what they want, I give them what they need".
It's the strong emotions that Joss invoke that make you feel the reality of the show despite its fantasy-like setting. And that's the point; because no matter how insane life gets, the reality of it is that we all bleed and we all die. Even if you get resurrected, life is still temporary, and you can be swept off your feet even before you set foot.
And that's the beauty of the Whedonverse.
By the way, I just realized that Yanna has posted a similar post :)
Anyway, here's the article:
My favourites are #3, 4, 6, 7...Ah crap, I love them all. But I cried the hardest watching Joyce, Fred, and Angel die. And not to forget Season 8 #19 when Willow dies... I cried while I was sitting on the bench in front of Kinokuniya after buying it.
Joss Whedon’s 16 Most Painful Character Deaths
Joss Whedon’s new series Dollhouse debuts tonight. How long till one of the characters is killed in some heartbreaking and horrifying way? Only time can tell. In the meantime, let’s reflect on some of Joss’s previous victims… namely, the sixteen which most affected the plots of their respective series. When you have a list like this that’s narrowed down to the top sixteen, you know you’re dealing with a serious offender. Many, MANY characters have died in Joss’s works, but it would be impossible to name them all. Obviously, spoilers abound in this article, so if you’re not up to date on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly & Serenity, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, or Astonishing X-Men, you might want to avert your eyes.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
1. Buffy Summers (”Prophecy Girl” and “The Gift”)
"Hey, I’ve died twice..."
It’s not often that the main character of a show is killed off — let alone the title character, let alone TWICE. But that’s exactly how both Season 1 and Season 5 end, with Buffy sacrificing herself to save the world. The difference is that she’s brought back to life within a few minutes in “Prophecy Girl,” while viewers had to spend the summer between seasons 5 and 6 wondering how on earth UPN was going to pull off the show with Buffy dead. But even knowing her death was unlikely to be permanent didn’t make watching it happen any less emotional an ordeal.
2. Jenny Calendar (”Passion”)
"This is where you get off."
When Angel loses his soul and becomes Angelus, it is unclear at first how evil he really is. Sure, he’s callous toward Buffy after their consummation, but until he breaks Jenny Calendar’s neck he hasn’t done anything truly horrific. Possibly even worse than the murder itself, however, is his cruel joke on Giles thereafter. Come to think of it, his careful planning and his uncanny ability to find the most excruciating way to torment his “audience” is reminiscent of Joss himself.
3. Angel (”Becoming Part 2″)
"Close your eyes."
As Angelus, Angel had opened a portal to a hell dimension (how many of those are there, anyway?) and only his death would close it. The fact that Buffy would have to kill him to save the world, then, is awful enough. But to make matters worse, Willow’s spell to restore Angel’s soul works just in time, yet not — too late to prevent the portal from being opened, yet in time to get back his puppy-dog eyes as Buffy rams a sword through him and shoves him into hell. Ouch.
4. Joyce Summers (”I Was Made To Love You”)
"Mom? What are you doing?"
As one of the few non-supernatural deaths during the show’s run, Joyce’s is particularly shocking and disturbing. Her tumor had been removed earlier in the season and everything seems to be looking up — never a good sign in the Jossverse. The realism with which her death is treated in the following episode, “The Body,” is almost unheard of in fiction, which makes it ache all the more.
5. Tara Maclay (”Seeing Red”)
"Your shirt."
Like Joyce, Tara is killed not by magic or demons, but something more familiar: an angry kid with a gun, a stray shot not even meant for her. As a “natural” death, it is irreversible, even by Willow. More than any other death in the show’s history, Tara’s directly affects major actions that follow; i.e. Evil!Willow and her killing spree of pain. It’s also one of the few times a character dies and doesn’t return in any form (a
deliberate choice made by Amber Benson to preserve the integrity of the character she portrayed so lovingly).
6. Anya (”Chosen”)
"Bunnies. Floppy, hoppy, bunnies."
As a regular character for four seasons, Anya had become a fan favorite and one of the most vital members of the Scooby Gang. So it’s a shock when, instead of the usual drawn-out death in her lover’s arms, she’s sliced in half so quick you could easily miss it. Though it seems unfair for her to go out this way, it fits perfectly with the
tone of the episode. No one is safe, and with thousands of casualties in one battle, there’s no time for glamorous deaths.
7. Spike (”Chosen”)
"I want to see how it ends."
OK, so maybe Spike gets a glamorous death. As the self-appointed “champion,” he uses the amulet given to Angel by Lilah Morgan (crossover alert!) to cleanse the Hellmouth of its evil. Unfortunately for him, this involves him burning up from the inside out and exploding in a brilliant ray of effulgence (that’s right, effulgence).
Fortunately for his fans, he would return on the final season of Angel just a few months later.
8. Doyle (”Hero”)
"Too bad we’ll never know if this is a face you could learn to love."
The first casualty of Angel’s spinoff series, Doyle was a lovable character from the start and it was a shock to see him go so soon, especially as Cordelia finally seems to be noticing his affection for her. Reportedly, he was written off due to Glenn Quinn’s real life drug problems and, sadly, Glenn himself died of an overdose in 2002.
9. Darla (”Lullaby”)
"This child... Angel, it’s the one good thing we ever did together."
Considered a villain for most of her run on Buffy and Angel, Darla miraculously becomes pregnant with Angel’s son — a human — after their romp in Season 2’s “Reprise.” With the mortal baby’s soul inside her, she develops a sense of morality she hasn’t felt in centuries. As a result, she selflessly stakes herself to save her baby’s life.
10. Cordelia Chase (”You’re Welcome”)
"That chick’s in rough shape."
After having spent half of Season 4 possessed by an evil goddess and the other half (plus half of Season 5) in a coma, it seemed Cordelia would never get the closure she deserved. Thankfully, the episode “You’re Welcome” gives her that closure, as she seems to recover from her coma, back to her old self. But at the end of the episode, it’s revealed that she returned only in spirit form, just long enough to tell Angel goodbye and share with him one last vision before she dies. All along, she knows this, yet keeps it to herself; the irony born from Angel’s ignorance is what makes her death so bittersweet.
11. Winifred “Fred” Burkle (”A Hole In The World”)
"Please, Wesley, why can’t I stay?"
Just two episodes after Cordelia’s death, the show lost its other female lead, at least strictly speaking. After being infected with the essence of Illyria, an “Old One,” Fred’s life slowly fades away. In a turn of events which is both relieving and distressing, the demon who has invaded her continues to possess her body. Thus, the character is not completely gone, and Illyria has the ability to impersonate Fred, but Fred herself is truly dead.
12. Wesley Wyndam-Pryce (”Not Fade Away”)
"We’ll be together."
After Fred’s death, tortured-soul Wesley becomes even more broken than usual. Having his memories of all that Connor drama returned doesn’t help matters, either. During the final fight of the series, Wesley is killed in a sorceror’s battle with Cyvus Vail — though from a knife stab to the abdomen, not magic. Illyria enters to see him mortally wounded, and asks if wants her to lie to him — to be Fred. He agrees, and dies in Fred’s arms as she did in his.
13. Shepherd Book
"Can’t order me around, boy. I’m not one of your crew."
With nine cast regulars on the series Firefly, it was only a matter of time before one of them bit the dust. But, as it was so short-lived, Joss had no time to flex his murdering muscles. So when the show’s sequel movie came along, he had to make up for lost time by killing two of the nine. Shepherd Book, who appears in the film more as a supporting character than as part of the main cast, dies at the hands of the movie’s villain, The Operative. Rather unceremoniously, Mal and the gang are forced to use his body, along with those of his fallen neighbors, to desecrate Serenity in order to disguise her from the Reavers.
14. Hoban “Wash” Washburne
"I’m a leaf on the wind."
After Book, it seems unlikely that another member of the crew would be killed within the same movie. We’re caught off guard when Wash, declaring himself “A leaf on the wind,” is skewered by a Reaver ship’s harpoon, dying instantly. Naturally, this comes shortly after a conversation between Zoe and Wash about starting a family as soon as this crisis ends.
Astonishing X-Men
15. Kitty Pryde (Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men #1)
"God, give me strength."
Though Joss’s stint writing Astonishing X-Men was relatively brief, he ended it in his signature style: by killing his favorite character. In the final issue of his four-part arc, a giant bullet is fired at Earth by an alien race. In order to prevent the bullet from destroying the planet, Kitty Pryde (incidentally, one of Joss’s inspirations for Buffy) uses her power to phase the bullet through the Earth. Unfortunately, she is unable to stop the bullet from continuing its trajectory through space, so she is doomed to ride it indefinitely. Presumably, she will at some point be too exhausted to continue phasing it through objects in its path, and it will crash into something. Since she is not actually seen dying, it’s likely she will return to the Marvel universe eventually (it is a comic book, after all!).
Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog
16. Penny
"It’s OK. Captain Hammer will save us..."
An experiment in web media, Dr. Horrible quickly became a cult phenomenon. Told in three acts, it is a musical about a wannabe supervillain driven by his love for Penny, a sweet, benevolent girl who is, unfortunately, more enamored by his nemesis, Captain Hammer. The first two acts are dark yet playful, as Dr. Horrible at first seems to not be very good at being evil. But in the third act, when he tries to kill Captain Hammer, a tragic series of events ensues which culminates in the inadvertent death of Penny. Some argue that her death is necessary for Dr. Horrible to truly begin his journey into villainy, while others are exasperated that Joss seems to have gotten fixated on his characteristic killing-off-the-love-interest device. Perhaps it’s both.
Love,Linzy the Whedonite
- Tags angel, buffy, firefly, joss whedon, links, love, memories, movies, people, quotes, serenity, whedonverse
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Monday, February 16, 2009
An Apology
Dear You,
Please excuse the fact that I was born with a very stubborn bone in my body. Or make that born with stubborness in every bone in my body. Excuse me for being pushy, and hard-headed and indecisive. It's not because I mean to be, I just am.
I understand your concerns, and I value each and every one of your opinions, and I know why you say the things you say. And I know why you worry. Believe me, I understand all that. And I know my own situation as well. I know the risks involved. And I know how unadvisable it is. But...for some reason, it doesn't seem to strike a chord.
And for that, I apologize to you; for being the stubborn person that I am. For wanting to take risks. For making you upset, for making you worried. I'm sorry for that.
But, Love, the thing is; I wouldn't miss it for the world.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Loud Silence v.2
I was idling my time away reading some of my old posts waiting for training to start, and I came across this one. I thought it needed some amending and revision, so I am reposting it. I added a little something and changed a little here and there, and now, it even has a title.
Again, this was inspired by my Encik Sedil's poem Sepi itu yang Membingitkan. Do read it [here]. I'll never do justice to the words he writes, cos my Malay will never be at par with his. But bear in mind that this is just a different take but in English, hoping to convey the same message.
By the way, my original post is [here].
In the silence
it deafens so.
A vacuum that
never ceasingly
swallows me whole
everything but
my demons that
grant me never
an interlude.
And they taunt
and they scream
and revel
In my solitude.
In the din
of this deafening city
I find in it
the solace blessed
in my notoriety,
in blending into
the the black, and grey and brown
of the dull and ignored
Like a wallflower.
This blaring surrounds me.
But it is calm
in the eye of the storm.
I exist in a crowd.
Alone, I cease to be.
Love, Linzy~
P/s: As always, thank you Sayang, for being my constant inspiration.
- Tags emotions, literature, love, poetry, thoughts, words
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Thursday, February 12, 2009
Inner Sanctum
Wish her luck :)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A Linzy Morning
Ah, another morning at work. I'm getting used to this. Although at first, I felt like not waking up in the morning due to a bout of tossing and turning that lasted about two-thirds of my sleeping time. It was just one of those nights, I guess; when my body doesn't want to shut down when I tell it to. I think I only got about two hours in, accumulatively.
But I managed to wake up, albeit being about 10 minutes later than usual. Went through the normal order: a wake-up shower, getting out and drying off, lotion+powder+perfume, toner+moisturizer, clothes, make-up, and then breakfast... Oh yes, breakfast.
But breakfast wasn't the normal affair today. First of all, I forgot the alarm on the door and so it went off and probably woke up the entire first floor. Then, the kitchen greeted me with the stench of rotting food and the usual cat piss and crap... Ugh. I scrunched up my nose, snatched my tub of butter from the fridge and ran back to my room a.s.a.p. I couldn't stand being in that place for too long. I made meself a sandwich and made that excruciating journey back to the kitchen to put the butter back in the fridge. Hating the smell, I took my can of air freshener amd sprayed the kitchen and the living room as well. Thankfully, they (my housemates) came out of their rooms right after that. So hopefully they get the hint when they smell that overload of lavender smelling mist.
I stopped to check my e-mail and Facebook before I left, since I had some extra time on my hands. I aired out my room for a little, and sprayed some Febreeze onto my mattress to give a fresh smell when I retire to bed tonight. Hung up some clothes that I threw around the previous night, and sprayed some air freshener as I walked out the door.
I then walked a bit down to the Block A carpark where Juliana was waiting for me, got in the car and had our normal chit-chat in the morning. Parked and made that short walk to our office. We get to the fourth floor, enter our office and part ways to our respective team's section.Now I'm in my workstation, typing this out as I kill time, waiting for my training to start at 9.30am.
So that's a weekday morning in the life of Linzy. Routine, kinda boring and a far cry from what I would have done about 3-4 months ago. It's mind-boggling how rapidly life can change. I've traded classrooms for an office. Instead of writing essays for the lecturer to read, I wait for what people write and I check them for mistakes. Sometimes I cannot believe that I am at this point now.
After work would usually have me back home and lounging about, maybe snoozing for a bit. I would wake up later to prepare a light dinner while watching a movie on my laptop. Or on some nights I'd Ayus and Fairuz take me out for dinner, or I'd go to Ayus' and lepak with her for a bit for some company. Then it's back home, when I'd iron my clothes and have a shower before I sleep and repeat the day over.
This new life that I have makes me long for the good ol' days filled with familiarity, The mahallahs and my compartment, walking down the beloved BC stairs, walking around in the IRKHS hallways, classes and the lecturers and most of all, the familiar faces of those I call my Sayang and my friends. It'll be sight for sore eyes to see them all again. It's been quite a while now.
Anyhow, training is in a few, so I'll sign off for now. I'm off to go through my morning. A new morning. Welcome Linzy~
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Back to the Grind
So starts another week. The three day weekend went by too quickly, I hardly even felt it. Three days of lie-ins and snoozing didn't even happen. but it was good to be home anyway; to see my family and be the little kid again; to feel like I don't have to go out there and earn my own living.
Heh, don't think that I am suddenly regretting taking up a job. Nope, I don't regret it. In fact, I think I'm gonna love it. In this department, I have my father's genes; the workaholic who would rather do the work him/herself rather than let others do so. The only thing that gets me a little down in knowing that I will have so little time left for my beloveds: My family, my Sayang and my friends.
But I guess, it comes with the territory of being a university graduate. And it's not like I can stay unemployed and live under my parents' roof forever. Heck, even I don't want that. But you know how the grass is always greener on the other side? Or more fittingly is the phrase: 'You don't know what you've got til it's gone'.
Ah, I can go on.
But honestly, I like working. I like having a purpose and a role to play (other than those already set for me). I like living on my own and being my own person. This is what I've been wanting. This is what I've been looking forward to.
But when it all comes down to it, there's nothing that could please me more than to have all the time in the world to spend with the people who matter to me most. Because time is the biggest enemy, and for that I have many fears. I fear that my family who offers me never ceasing and unconditional love would be taken away from me in time; how time could sweep me off my feet, and when I get up I'd realize that they're not the same as I remember them. My friends; I get scared that we'll lose the bond we share.and one day realize that I am all alone. I fear that I'll pick up the phone but have no one to call. And my Sayang, the one person I rely on for love, sanity, security and comfort; the person who keeps me on the ground, will drift away from me and never be mine again.
And yet, while they are my fears, they are also what makes this job worthwhile. This is what I do for them. And the end of the day, despite coming home tired and weary, it's good to fall asleep knowing that I have a family who sacrificed alot to get me to where I am. I have friends (you people know who you are) who keep me grounded and take me as I am. And I have you, Asdil/Ash; the last voice I hear and fall asleep to, who makes me feel more loved than I ever dared to believe I deserve. I love every single one of you.
So, it's back to the grind. But no matter how hard and how tiring it gets, no matter how much time it takes off of my hands; it's all worthwhile.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Your wildcard, boy, needs playing
Don't believe the lie
Your dragon needs slaying
Why don't you lay here with me
And I will bring
Kisses for the beast
'Dragon' - Tori Amos from American Doll Posse
No two paths are the same on which tunes travel by. And this tune, this afternoon reached to me on another high. Revisiting from the first time I penned those unlived thoughts. Oh, how it paints different shades of grey each time it plays.
The grey for today plays it lukewarm. Neither timid nor bold. The chilling fire or the fiery cold. It paints over the first art I thought I was meant to keep, and now etches another atop the other with lines so deep.
Play this hand, we'll never know if it's a win. But my money's on the jackpot. Because dragons, as hard as they are to slay; quietens after a while and lays dormant as the dust and ash settles. And the raging beast only roars when daylight makes its head rise to greet the fray, and yet purs the solace of night away.
Don't believe the lie. The smokescreen. It's a distortion from what really lies behind these maze of mirrors. Reflections are the opposite. Almosts but not quite. Reach out. And where your hand does not touch the smooth, cold surface; you'd find warmth.
Love, Lin~
P/S: Dear Tori, why say one thing when you can say a million? Your music tells countless stories, always something new each time I listen. There is an art to your art.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Horny Ox
Hey, oxen do have horns, okay? Don't give me that look :p
With it being the year of the ox and everything; which, by the way, means that I have completed two cycles of the Chinese lunar years, which makes me 24 this year; I thought I'd have a little ox-themed entry:
For the past month or so, I've been ordering sup ekor (oxtail soup) whenever I find myself in a good ol' Malay restaurant. Sri 9, which is near my place in Seremban, is one particular place where I would order nothing else but. There's no particular reason as to why, but I just love it.
Perhaps there's something about the flavour that I find irresistable. And the tender texture of the meat. And the combination of celery, onions, tomatoes, daun sup etc mixed into the soup; topped with bawang goreng and daun bawang that gives the soup its delicious flavour. Plus, of course, the spices and little things added to that.
One day, after a nice bowlful of hot sup ekor; I said heartily: "God, I love sup ekor". My mom quickly turned to me and told me that I might not wanna say that out loud in public. Upon asking her why, she said that sup ekor is considered (I'm not sure which, but still, associated with something sexual) an aphrodisiac or eaten to up one's prowess or something like that. And supposedly, those who eat it regularly have the intention of adding stamina for their...uhh...bedroom antics.
Well, so far I've not showed any signs of turning into a wanton, randy sex kitten, so I've yet to test that theory.
To me, I can't make a connection as to how or why. Anyone care to enlighten me?
Love, Lin~
- Tags family, food, people, question, randomness, thoughts
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Friday, February 06, 2009
Food for My Thoughts
It was the second day of training today at work. It's going ok, I guess; it's quite a lot to digest in just a few days and we are doing a lot. Like my trainer, Azlina, said; we'd only remember about 10% of what we learn, because most of it will be absorbed when we are put to the test when we do our work.
So, there's me. An SE. That's what they call us sub-editors. And what do we do? Well, we work closely with the editor of a certain publication and also with the production editor. The editor will pass a certain 'product' (a text) to the production editor who will format it with XML taggings and layouts and all that technical stuff. It will then be passed to the sub-eds or SEs like me, to be checked for grammatical errors, spelling errors etc as well as to check the XML taggings. So, my job requirements will have me sit in front of the PC all day and look at each word and sentence to ensure they all are ready for publishing. It's a long and tedious process; and I haven't even told you what happens next.
Anyhow, this was what we were discussing during training; about what I would face in the future and how I need to have a very keen eye for little details. Even more is the fact that I am working with Australia B, meaning that I will be working with the team that handles publications from Australia. According to someone, working in that team reqiures a certain sense of professionalism, because they handle expensive and important products.
Sheesh, talk about pressure, huh?
We then moved to the topic of hiring sub-editors. I asked Azlina, why was it that sub-editors are so much in demand? I mean, every time I open up, there will always be a vacancy to be a sub-editor for WKESP. Apparently, the requirements to be an SE is very demanding, so it's hard to find good candidates. There has been 9 vacancies for SEs since August last year, and out of the 9, ony 1 has been filled: by me.
As it turns out, there have been about 200+ applications to fill the vacancies, and they all fail the test. Editors and journalists and writers have all come in, and yet they couldn't pass. And then there was me, who passed all 3 sections, or 5 sections (including the online tests) of the tests that I had to take.
I was told that I should be flattered. A fresh graduate and I surpass experienced editors and writers? That's a little hard to swallow. Yes, I am flattered, and also a little bit disbelieving. I can't possibly beat those people to the job, can I? It was quite a lot to digest when Azlina told me that. In the many months that they've been looking for SEs, only I fit the bill so far.
That has been food for my thoughts the whole day. It's an honour, really. I know that I am better than the average amongst most of my peers, but never thought I could be that good. This is really a huge flattery. But it's good to know that my capabilities can be put to use somewhere. And in the future, if I choose to leave the company, since the company is known for it's employees with good grammar, so many other companies accept ex-WKESPs easily, so that's a plus.
Anyway, it has left me with a good feeling. And to anyone reading, this is not an angkat bakul sendiri or 'carrying my own basket' story; it's just that it's been the pick-me-up for my entire day and it makes me feel good. Just wanted to put my thoughts into words whilst sharing and not that I intend to be such a show-off.
By the way, in case any of you people are interested in working there, they are accepting resumes right now... Right up til every SE post is taken up. So do let me know if you're interested.
Love, Lin~
- Tags people, thoughts, work
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10 Minutes More
My internet access code to the internet at my workstation has just been given to me. What else would I do first but take the time to post a little entry? It is after all the last ten minutes before I go back home for the weekend and I just wanna kill time til I get to Juliana's table and get a move on home. Besides, I do have lots of time on my hands; especially since I am still in training. I've weeks to go before I actually start my real work. Anyway, it's not like I can check my e-mail; cos e-mails are blocked... So this is the most I can do while I am here with not much to do.
Anyway, I'll be home in a another 20 minutes-30 minutes or so... So I'll continue whatever else I have to say for the day when I get back whilst doing my laundry and other chores. Heheh... I have several shirts piling up in the laundry bin :p
So yeah, I'll be back with more stuff to say when I get back! Have a nice weekend all (including my WKESP colleagues).
Love, Lin~
- Tags people, randomness, thoughts, time, work
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Wednesday, February 04, 2009
A New Place Called Home
I'm loving my new apartment, my new room. Starting to. At first I had some issues; well, after just moving in and all, I was bound to have some dissatisfactions. But I think I did have a legitimate reason to be a little unhappy. For one, the former owner of the room did not inform me that the tap in the bathroom was not working. If she did, at least my dad could have brought in the tools and repaired it. She also didn't tell me that a weird, loud creaking sound comes from the pipes from withing the walls whenever the neighbours showered. It's so loud that you couldn't hear yourself think. Also, when I asked if the place was an all girls house, she told me it that it is. But then, I find out there's a guy living here... WTF?

I have it all arranged somehow or other. I experimented here and there; pulled the bed to one corner, and the the other; and the put the clothes rack against the wall, then in the corner... In the end I stuck to this layout--for now. Mind you, the room is much bigger than what you see in this pic. This is only one-third of the room. It's the master bedroom, after all. And I have my own bathroom. The other two thirds of the room isn't much. There's just my laptop table, shoes rack, table etc etc... The third in the picture is the homelier spot.
I have my bed which is the most important feature. I have my clothes rack where I hang all my clothes and also a pink box for my underthings. Between my bed and the rack, there's a box full of miscellaneous stuff and clothes that don't need hanging up. On top of the box are my toiletries, lotions, perfumes, tissues, hair stuff, jewellery and whatnot. On the wall is the mirror. On the other corner is my reading spot. I have a nice comfy armchair where I curl up to read books or magazines... On the floor next to the chair, are stacks of magazines, comics and books placed on top of boxes, just at arm's length for me to grab and read. Also, there is a bunch of CDs for when I take my radio with me.
So yeah, I'm living on my own now. It feels good... but I have to admit that I get very lonely. I have yet to meet my housemates, cos they are always in the room. Ayus is closeby, but in a different block. It's kinda scary to walk there come nighttime. But at least I do have Ayus; a familiar face. But still, at the end of a busy day, you just want someone to talk to or come home to, and be comforted. *Sigh* I wish you were here, Sayang. I miss you so much.
Food is also a problem with no car. But that'll be rectified soon when I get mine in the near future. And I miss my family... I miss my mom who was close to tears before they all sent me off.
Anyhow, I think I'll be ok. Once I have the time to spruce up abit and make some adjustments, it'll be even better.
Love, Lin~
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Day Two
Woo-hoo! I've completed my second day on the job.
It's only the second day, but I feel like it's been a week. I guess time moves super-slow when you're sitting around doing nothing in particular. But I've learned from yesterday, and today I went to work armed with books and a notebook to doodle in. So despite the fact that I was still sleepy and was about to doze off several times, and time did seem to move slow; it wasn't all that bad.
Oh, this second day also saw me attempting to take the RapidKL bus to work. So I got up early, had breakfast, got ready and went down to the busstop at about 7.45am. Since I start at 8.30am, I thought I'd give it some time since I wasn't sure of the bus schedule. I waited and waited, but the only bus that passed by was the one going to Lim Kok Wing. In the end I gave up and called Ayus for the cab phone number, called them, and got to work by cab. Argh, waste of money. But perhaps I waited at the wrong busstop for the bus...
I made some more friends today. Good to know that the people here are very jovial and friendly. It's a relief cos knowing that the nature of the job is rather dry and dull, there will be those that will brighten up the place with some laughs. Went for lunch with the same lunch buddies plus one, Mathan (again, I hope I got that right). Met some new recruits and made friends with Juliana, who just joined yesterday like me. I am now gonna be car-pooling with her to and from I no longer have to take the bus! Yeay! That is, unless she has extra work to do and cannot go back with me or vice versa. Anyways, I am thankful that she offered to carpool, cos it's such a big help for me since I don't have a car yet. Thanks Juliana! When I get a car, we can probably take turns driving or something :)
Did a few more stuff like touring the office, checked out the security system and emergency exits, saw how some things work within the office system, had my computer set up for me to use. We also looked at the pantry and the miscellaneous foodstuff (the ones that are still good and some gone bad) kept in the fridge. I read some reading materials on grammar and 'house style' etc etc...
So today, although I didn't have much to do and felt extremely sleepy at times, it was more fun cos I have something to read, had people to talk to and did some things about the office. I feel a bit more productive now :) And also better adjusted.
Oh, I just remembered, at one point in the morning, I was so sleepy but couldn't possibly sleep right there in the middle of the office of about 120 people, and especially since one of the big bosses from Australia was in; so I went to the washroom (which is very clean, by the way), put down the toilet seat cover, sat there and snoozed abit. I know it's not the most kosher place to snooze, but I desperately needed some shuteye. I think I was out for about 20 minutes or so. When I got back out, I was refreshed. Heheh..silly me.
Anyhow, I'm bushed, and I want to catch a light snooze for a bit. So, bye! Will update you another time.
Love, Lin~
Monday, February 02, 2009
I'm exhausted. Drained. Tired. I cannot even begin to explain how much I would just love to lay my head upon the pillow and sleep the night away and not think about anything else...
- I moved into Cyberia yesterday, but after transporting every single thing I can stuff into the back of my father's Innova, I realized that I forgot all my pillows.
- Since my uncle and aunt were there to help, too; they suggested I followed them home and get some pillows and they'd send me to work today. So that's what I did.
- I got to work at about 8.45am, after dropping off some stuff at my apartment and having breakfast with my uncle and aunt.
- I had some briefings throughout the day, although, the briefings were pretty, errr...brief. They only took minutes, so for the most part, I spent my day at work just staring out the window or reading whatever I could find on the desk. Most of the reading materials were manuals, notes and training modules. Yes, I read all those over and over. They couldn't give me work cos I haven't been trained; and that only starts on the 5th, and will go on for 2 weeks and a half. So I just literally sat there. Fell asleep many times. Almost missed one briefing, as well.... You get even more bored when you do nothing. I would have been so thankful if I had to work straightaway.
- Made some friends--they were all friendly, by the way--and had lunch with Yoges (hopefully I got the spelling right) and Ernest at a place called Indian Kitchen at the Street Mall.
- By the way, I have a nice little workstation on my own; pretty neat.
- I finished at 5.30pm and Fairuz & Fairuz picked me up and we went to Alamanda to shop and to Souq for dinner.
- Now I'm back at my place, haven't met my housemates since they're all in their rooms. Found out that there's a frickin' huge Persian cat living in the house. And I am waaaaay too tired to rearrange stuff in my room cos I really want to sleep. But then I need to iron my clothes for tomorrow....
Anyway, that was all that happened. I seriously cannot go deep into it right now cos I am so exhausted. But I will (hopefully) when I feel more relaxed. And I better remember to bring something to read tomorrow while I sit around, rather than stare into space.
So yeah, another time then. Nite!
Love, Lin~
Sunday, February 01, 2009
I think the last minute drama last night has been settled. *I think*
Not a minute ago, I got a text message from the now former tenant of the room I want, that she's moving out. She's moving out today and can have the room at 6pm, and I can stay there right away...
So, now I feel much lighter, now that this burden has been lifted. Just that I don't wanna be jinxing it too much by over-celebrating. But really, I feel much relieved. At least I know I can stay, and I have a place to sleep and that I can get to work tomorrow comfortably.
We'll be pushing off around 3pm maybe. My uncle will be meeting us there. And as much as I want you to be there, Sayang, to help and whatnot; I think it's ok for now. My dad, my uncle and my brother can do the heavy lifting and it's not like there is that many things. And furthermore, it's quite a far travel from Gombak, and I didn't wanna cause unnecessary inconvenience for you. And I am sorry I didn't inform you earlier about the moving and all; my mind just have been so out of it lately.. Sowwy.
Anyhow, it's moving day today. Really, moving. And the gravity of that implication is suddenly weighing heavy on me...
Love, Lin~