Saturday, January 31, 2009


This is starting to get on my nerves.

Moving day is tomorrow, seeing how it is the 1st of February. First day of the month. And on Monday, I start work. I've had scouted for apartments, and found one, and *should* be moving in tomorrow. I've paid the RM500 rental fee for February to confirm my taking the room, and thus, *should* be allowed to enter, move in and stay there starting from tomorrow.


But the girl who is the current, or more accurately as of tomorrow, former, occupant of the room will only be back in the afternoon tomorrow and she can only move into her new apartment on the 9th, leaving me hanging and not knowing what to do. And when I call her or text her, there are no replies. WTF?

Here's the thing, dudette; As of tomorrow, and seeing how I've paid rent, the apartment is mine. I need to transport a large amount of things, which consist of clothing racks, a chair, boxes and bags etc.; from Seremban to Cyberjaya. Carrying them in and putting them away takes time and energy. And then tomorrow, well, I say boldly, is MY. FIRST. DAY. OF. WORK. I need to prepare, and get enough rest to psyche myself for a full day on uncertainty.

So please please please; confirm with me what time you'll be back in Cyberjaya. I know you're from Penang and all, but be a little responsible lah. You need to handover the apartment, and at the very least, give an approximate time when you'll be back, cos I need to synchronize my time to be able to be there when you're there. You can't expect me to wait for your lazy ass to get here with all this heavy stuff. And it's not just me you're expecting to wait for you, it's the rest of my family, too.

And another thing, I know you say that the apartment you wanna move into won't be available til the 9th, but you can't bloody think I'm gonna let you stay in the room til then? Then where the hell am I gonna stay?!? I paid for the rent, and I expect to stay there. And even then, if you still insist on staying, like hell you're gonna stay for free. You're gonna be paying me a third of that rent if you don't get your ass out and find someplace else to stay til the 9th.

With that said, I'd like to tell you; PLEASE HAVE THE DECENCY TO PICK UP THE PHONE OR AT LEAST REPLY MY TEXTS. Like I said, I need to know an approximate time you'll be back, and you still have not replied to tell me. Nor have you informed me about whether I can move in rightaway tomorrow or would have to wait for your royal ass to get a move out. Nope, you just ignore my calls and not reply my messages. Come on la, I'm working and you're studying; you can ditch class, I've no luxury of doing that. I need you to call me with exact info to make my life easier and not having to wait around with no possible assurance.

Be considerate please. And put yourself in my shoes. I've paid the rent and I have my first day of work on Monday, and you pull this stunt on me. How the heck am I supposed to feel? By the time I move my stuff in tomorrow, I'll have less than 24 hours to prepare for work the next day, and I can't even be sure whether I'll have a bed to sleep in tomorow night. So please, use that head of yours.

Grr Argh, Lin~

3 comment(s):

FidZy Foxburr said...

babi giler minah tuh wei! suka hati je!gud luck for ur first day of work ;) GANBATTE!

Dearests said...

All the best for your first day of work tomorrow, InsyaAllah. And hope everything comes through with the apartment thing!

You take care.

Hazlin Aminudin said...

Thanks, you guys!

I think everything now is somewhat settled. Just that now I need to move stuff in and get settled. Then work begins...and that one is still in the realm of the unknown.

We'll see how it goes :)

InsyaAllah, all will go well.

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