Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Random 25

I read this post on Facebook which was put up by Idzaid and thought it'd be fun to list out these 25 random things about myself. Turns out, it was quite harder than I thought. My typing slowed down at about #11 or so, and I had to think hard about what else was there about myself that I could actually publish for public consumption. So, I ended up with this list... Maybe I'll add another 25 more if I think of any :)

Tagged by Idzaid Idros

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you!

  1. I am in love.
  2. I am acrophobic and ranidaphobic.
  3. When I was a kid, I loved science very very much and wanted to be either a scientist or a doctor/vet. I'll actually watch them documentaries with operations in them. As time went by, they were reduced to being just hobbies. Now, I know for sure that even if I was good at it, I can never see myself doing anything of the sort.
  4. I, for the life of me, cannot ride a bike.
  5. My biggest fear is rejection.
  6. I got the inspiration to pursue English as a degree (and hopefully more) and also as a career when I was 11; from my cousin-in-crime, Kak Ana.
  7. When I'm in my own space, clothing is optional...hehe, I have nudist tendencies. That's why I try to avoid sharing rooms :p (Thankfully, in my new apartment, I'll have the master bedroom all to myself)
  8. I can watch all sorts of graphic, bloody movies where people get cut up, or lose their limbs in battle or get tortured etc. And while watching, I can nonchalantly eat. But show me or let me hear someone brushing their teeth, and I start gagging.
  9. I know I'm weird, but it's ok if you want to tell me that; I kinda like it.
  10. My vice is clothes. I can never have too many of them. And lingerie, too. (It's such an irony, cos it clashes with point #7)
  11. For many years now, I've been dreaming of owning a cafe. It should have a cosy atmosphere with regular open mic nights. Think 'The Bronze' without the dancing, or perhaps 'The Espresso Pump'.
  12. I always have dreams where I'm the commander on the frontlines of war. Often I'd dream about the preparations before the battle, or about the end, where I'd give my life to save another.. Quite gloomy. Anyone a dream reader?
  13. My Deadly Sins ranked, as suggested by, are as follows: 1. Pride, 2. Lust, 3. Greed, 4. Gluttony, 5. Sloth, 6. Envy, and 7. Wrath.
  14. My ultimate dream in life is to get married to the man I love, have wonderful kids, make my family happy and have a fulfilling life.
  15. I want to write a paper that would first of all affirm the importance of literature. With that being said, I'd continue to present how literature influences/provokes discourse and thinking/ideas/philosophy, whilst merging it with the Whedonverse.
  16. I have a slight case of OCD. Some things need to be a certain way or I get a mite tetchy.
  17. I have an obsession for cheese.
  18. I think Nature's best wonders are the smell of rain, the dawn/sunset and waterfalls.
  19. I hope to be a scholar, have a good career, be the daughter that my parents can be proud of, be a good wife, be a good mother, and be a good person overall.
  20. I am perpetually optimistic, even when I'm complaining.
  21. When I'm charged and determined, I have this song playing in my head: These Boots Were Made for Walking.
  22. I'm glad to say that throughout my life (so far), a majority of my friends, old and new, have stood by me and stayed friends. This, I feel, is a great accomplishment. You guys know who you are :)
  23. The most important things in life, to me, are: Family, Friends and Faith. In a word: Love.
  24. My favourite movie themes are: War, Dystopia, History/Periodic, Horror/Thriller.
  25. My thoughts, ideas and discourse are majorly influenced by Joss Whedon (i.e. Buffy, Angel, Firefly/Serenity, Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog)

Love, Lin~

2 comment(s):

Byn Emms said...


a read-worthy blog..


Hazlin Aminudin said...

Thank you.

It's not some fancy intellectual blog with insights and discussions; but it's mine. It's a place for me to record whatever I feel like saying but won't say verbally. I cannot bottle it in and plus, just feel more comfortable putting it into writing.

Again, thank you for the comment. It's much appreciated :)

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