Wednesday, January 07, 2009

7th January 2009

A summary of what I did/happened today:

  1. Woke up early and my dad sent me to the Seremban train station. I was wearing an overly long pair of pants that I had no time to alter.
  2. Went to Adecco International at Menara Yayasan next to Amcorp Mall for an interview for a post as a creative copywriter. I would say it went pretty well. I think my free style essay for a tourism brochure had some impact, along with some paperwork I have to show. Hopefully I'm shortlisted.
  3. Walked around Amcorp and was tempted to buy everything. Ended up with a book, and a handbag.
  4. Went to KLCC to pick up my Buffy Season 8 #19 and #20 from Kinokuniya. Sat down on a bench and finished both at a go. I cried a little when Buffy [spoiler alert] kills Willow.
  5. Went to Galeri Petronas to see the Imaging Selfs exhibition. Enjoyed looking at the perfectly captured photographs of artist(e)s and personalities. Although wishing Ash could be with me so we could enjoy strolling through the gallery together.
  6. Fidzy called, and we decided to meet at KL Sentral. Met her and Shu for a chit-chat while I waited for the time I had to leave to Seremban. Their plans on getting hitched this year has not sunk in.
  7. Received a call from Wolter-Kluwers (yeay!) to come in for an interview/test tomorrow to see if I fit the bill as a nsub-editor.
  8. Went back home, all the while sad that I did not get to see my darling today... I know you had class, Sayang, and I wouldn't want you to skip it, but the very selfish side of me wished you were with me. *sigh* I miss you so much. Hopefully when I get a job in KL I'd get to see more of you. I love you, Sayang~

I do not have the time to elaborate any more tonight. I need sleep cos I'm dead tired and cos I have an interview tomorrow. I'll try writing something when I have the time. Nite~


4 comment(s):

Dearests said...

Hope all went well with the interviews. If haven't gone yet, all the best. :D

ms polka sara said...

Finally the luck is pouring in!

Hazlin Aminudin said...

Thanks guys.
All the interviews went well, alhamdulillah. Now just waiting to see how it'll turn out.

And yeah, Sarah, finally the luck is coming in. I guess they got provoked.

ms polka sara said...

Biasala, when you're starting to give up or starting to wonder or get tired waiting...BAM! That happened to me...was just whining about it and terus dapat offer.

I have this feeling you'll get it. So, better start packing! :P

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