Monday, January 12, 2009

Morning Dream

I tend to have a little lie in every morning as soon as I wake up. I'd open my eyes, look at the time, then roll over and pull my blanket up around me and hold my bolster closer, and then I'd have myself a sinful amount of snoozing.

Sometimes my mom says I wake up late; I don't, actually. I wake up quite early. It's just that some days the bed seems too tempting to get out of.

Today was no different. I woke up to the sounds of the primary school assembly from the school behind my house. The annoying teacher's grating voice I hear every morning (I assume she's the headmistress) is enough to wake the dead up, nevermind myself. And yet, I managed to find myself in deep slumber again.

Deep enough to dream.

And so I dreamt. I don't remember any lead-ins to the dream, the next thing I know I was in the car with my cousin, Kak Anna, or Kanna, and she told me that I got the job I wanted: as a sub-editor with Wolters-Kluwer. I don't know why it was her who was the one to announce it, but there she was waiting in a car all smiley and knowing. She said to me that I got the job, and I got sooo happy.

A sign? Hopefully.

The dream then jumps to my moving in with Ayus. I dreamt that we were in the lift taking stuff up to her place and she was struggling away looking for her keys. There were some clumsiness and craziness along the way, as well as a cat getting caught in the mix; not unusual I'd say. I don't remember the jumbled mess that comes later, but it revolved around the apartment as well...

Another good sign? Maybe.

Maybe I'm wanting this just so bad...that I'm even dreaming it. With the getting hired and the moving in to a new place. Phew, lets hope I really do get it.

Love, Lin~

3 comment(s):

Dearests said...

InsyaAllah, ada rezeki.
All the best. Hope you get the job. You'd be kick-ass at it.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh... so THAT'S what normal people dream of! :p

Hazlin Aminudin said...

Yes, me normal.
You Cats-dreaming crazy person.

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