Friday, May 15, 2009


After having worked here in Wolters Kluwer Enterprise Services Partners (WKESP) for three months, now, I thought it is time I gave you all a glimpse into my daily life here. Yep, my everyday in WKESP, Cyberjaya. A little tour, if you will; since I can't actually take you around. Well, okay, fine, it's not like you asked to be shown around to begin with but humour me, would you? I enjoy the mundane aspects of life and always find they are worth a little story-telling. So I shall now be giving anyone with the time to read a (hopefully) short written/visual tour of my quaint office on the fourth level of FSBM Plaza.

So we begin at the lobby of WKESP, as can be seen in the picture on the right hand side. This is where I've sat anxiously waiting to sit for the test the first time around, and for the interview the next day. Now I pass it daily without a quiver of uncertainty as I enter and leave the office. Fatimah, who sits at the reception desk is the friendly face who meets and greets all that come through WK's glass doors. And besides that, she also receives my parcels for me... Always wondering what exactly I am doing with the Poslaju deliveries I get almost weekly.

And if you wals down the path from this reception, you shall be going deeper into the inner sanctum of the green-themed office. You'll pass by Jason's office on your left, and then you'll come to a juncture at which you'll see the multi-purpose room, mainly used for big meetings and gatherings, Mount Fuji, which, true to its name, is super-cold. If you turn a left, you'll pass by Sunita, who is the GM, and Raymond's offices on your left, and the Training Room on your right. Then straight on, you'll enter one side of the office, where the Asia Teams and the NZ Team reside, as you can see from the picture on the left.

If you were to go straight past the Mount Fuji room earlier instead of turning left, you would pass the emergency exit, Ladies' Room, Cleaner's Room and the Men's Room on the right. And you will have to turn left and arrive on the other side of the office, where all the Australian Teams reside. But first, you'd pass the board room on your left, where I have weekly meetings with my team, Australia B - Tax and Accounting.

Standing at the point with the Boardroom on your left, you'd see the view as in the picture <----. You'd see this aisle that seems to go on and on, acting as a great divide between Australia C, which is the group of desks on your left side, and Australia B which is on the right side of the picture. If you look closely, about three desks away from the viewfinder of the pic, there is a woman intently looking at her monitor whose table is the one next to the pillar; that is Carol, and I sit at the desk just before hers, the second desk. Yep, that is my humble abode in the WK office. But it is also the most non-strategic place, cos it's situated at the aisle where people walk back and forth and see what in the world you're doing on your PC. In my case, it's my online shopping which is my eye-candy between tasks, when I need some relax time. Not to mention it is un-strategic cos it's near the boardroom. So when we have visitors and the like, they can pass by and have a peek at what I'm doing. I was particularly worried when they had the head honchos from Netherlands here and taking pictures. I thought they'd surely be taking pics of my non-work. But instead, on that day, they took pics of me stressing out at Zul's desk, worrying about Denise's blunder with ABAG 145 ;p

So here's my work station... It's still a little bare from my not having put up much besides some notes and reminders. But it's now definitely more of a Hazlin-like place with my literature books on one corner and my organized clutter here and there. Charmander was sitting on my keyboard while waiting to be brought back to my sister as you can see... Other than him, my usual necessities line up in the picture. My mug of tea, a tumbler of water, my Victoria's Secret body butter, a box of tissues and my tracking sheet for each product I'm doing. Also, if you can spot it, my headphones lie behind my mug, from which I listen to Tori/Jewel on constant replay, and just behind my yellow tumbler, you'd see a square piece of paper pinned to the green divider. That's an acrostic poem that my Sayang wrote to me early in the year when I was feeling sad at not being able to see him often. I put it up next to my monitor so that when I look up at it, it serves as a reminder to me to keep smiling even when the going gets tough, because it reminds me that out there I have someone who loves me nonetheless and is willing to wait for me :)

Anyway, let me digress abit and introduce you to my teammates. There are currently 16 of us on the team: Arvind (TL), Aravind (SE), Tham (SE), Saiful (SE), Maryann (PE), Helen (Senior PE), Caroljit (SE), Zul (PE), Alan (SE), Sharina (PE), Ling Ling (PE), Adrian (Senior SE), Siew Choo (PE), Nubly (SE), David (PE), and myself (SE). When I started at WK, Lin was our TL; but as of April, due to Lin's promotion, Arvind who was and SE from Aust C previously, moved up and became our TL. And if rumours are true, we will soon have a new addition, a PE maybe, next month. We don't have a complete team picture cos so many people come and go, so the last team picture I found is the one above. But even then, some of those in the pic has either left, or changed positions. So if you look closely, the ones with the red dots above their heads are the ones still with us. Lemme introduce the ones with the dots: Top row (L-R) - Helen, Tham, Siew Choo aka Cheese Terrorist, Ling Ling, and Carol. The girl in the middle who wear glasses and has her hair tied is our former TL, Lin. Bottom row (L-R): Adrian, Alan, David and Nubly. The guy next to Adrian, the one is checkered shirt is Charles, who is now a trainer. Since this team, there has been many additions and changes. For example, these two on the right: Maryann and Zul who joined WK about 6 months before I started... So they are still relatively new. But they're PEs and our team haven't had a new SE in the longest time. So myself was the first SE in almost a year, and then Saiful was added to the team. And now we are all a bunch of laugh riots who, despite being one of the busiest team in WK, are the friendliest, funniest bunch ever. Which is why I love my team so much. We have a nice intimacy, and teamwork spirit going on which makes working very pleasant. I remember when I just started, everyone was so eager to make me feel welcomed.

Speaking of newbies, us newbies had our picture taken for the purpose of putting it up on our eCLS (employees come loose) message board. And of all the days they wanted to take the picture, it was the day when I was in malas mode and just grabbed a baju kurung to wear to work. So unglamorous. It wasn't a day when I was up and about in my dresses, so I ended up looking extremely comot and frumpy at that.

But anyhow, I didn't really care but I just hope they take down the picture soon since newer newbies have come in since the four of us (Ann, Juliana, Saiful, and myself). In the picture above, from left to right is Ashwin and Malar (I think), who are both on the IT team, and then Xiou Ann, Juliana and myself, the trio who is always up to no good with our online shopping and daily fashion shows. The three of us have made WK into our personal runway with either one of us having a new top or dress to put on each day :p And finally we have Saiful who is happily sitting down with women surrounding him. But Saiful's married, so Charles' comment on the pose went unheard.

But the three of us production newbies; Ann, Juliana and I now form a little group of people who congregate daily for laughs and blogshopping finds and gripes. We have bonded over our love for clothes and our rapport with one another that we will always be seen together. It's nice, to have your own crowd to get together with a few minutes during work just to take the stress off every now and then.

Anyway, back to the tour, we end it with the very heart of WKESP, the ePub. This is where the life of the WK is. The ePub is at the very center, and is the centre for mass gatherings and monthly general meetings. This is also where eat and socialize, because it works as a sorta lounge and/or dining area.We have our sink dish/mug rack on one side, the water and beverage dispenser on another. There are fridges, microwaves, a multitude of teas and coffees and sugar and creamer for us to brew our drinks to our liking and 2 tins of biscuits for us to chow on. We meet here for team lunches/gatherings/parties or to enjoy lunch together or do our work (especially for PEs) or read the paper or magazines. This where all the watercooler talk goes on.

And so we end the tour. But wait, what exactly does my work here entails, you ask? Well, I know you're not asking, but hey, humour me futher, I'll be done soon.

I managed to dig up this info in the shared folders drive:

"The sub-editor is responsible for project managing product updates and ensuring that the sub-editing and content tagging of publication data is of the highest possible quality. This means that they liaise with the editor and the indexer over the content that is to be included in the product update. The sub-editor is also responsible for providing a detailed handover to the production editor after the content of the update has been released for publication. They work closely with the production editor to ensure that the electronic and print components of an update and cleared to schedule".

General responsibilities:
· sub-edit for sense, grammar and literals by inserting queries in comment tags
· changing quotation marks to the curly quotes
· checking structure of the content, ie heading levels
· check tagging if text is converted by the PE
· insert tagging and check tagging where content is authored within Sigmalink by the editor
· spell checks
· resolve links
· check for broken links and redo links that have failed
· check graphics
· check tagging of tables
· insert queries where required
· remove all comment tags
· clean-up content before dragging the content to the editor for feedback on queries once external reviewer has made comments
· clean-up content based on comments
· accept/reject changes
· preparation of job tracking sheets
· general communication with production editor, editor and indexer on update
· insertion of CCH citation

So, that's it. That's what it is to work as a sub-editor here in WKESP, Cyberjaya. I am so far enjoying the work I do. It has its ups and downs, but the atmosphere, the people, the team, the friends, the kinda work I do all makes it a great place to be in. I'm happy here. I think this is a good place that will definitely help me in going further in my career, I'm earning a good sum, am surrounded by good people and overall happy. There are the downs like being too far away from my Sayang, my family and my friends, but hopefully soon, with a car, it wouldn't be that hard. So I don't regret my decision to pursue this place like crazy. It's definitely worth it.


1 comment(s):

Irshad said...


Interesting post, and very informative too. I got a call from WKESP last Friday. Will be looking forward to attend the test next week. =)

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