Monday, May 25, 2009

Stuck in a Rut

Once again I find myself in this rut of a situation:

Apartment hunting.

Apartment hunting in Cyberjaya is a pain.

The operative word here is “Cyberjaya”.

Why? Because of these following factors:

  • It is mighty expensive. One room, even a single or middle room, depending on whether or not it is furnished, can reach to about RM500. And I'm only talking about the standard furnishings. Some supposedly fancy ones can go up to RM600+. And myself here, am looking for a master bedroom, which could be between Rm450 to Rm900. Crazy right? Even at it's cheapest, around RM450 (that is if you're very very lucky and grab it fast before anyone does), it's enough to pay the rent for an entire flat, or a cheap terrace house anywhere else. It's outrageous, the price. And we are talking about just one room here.
  • Most apartments have mixed gender housemates. Liberal as I am, I am not partial to having male housemates. A little hypocrite, yes, but living in a house with a guy stranger means not being able to come out of my room without enough coverage. And for people who don't know me, that pretty much means covering up. I may be liberal, but I am not comfortable with dressing only partially in the presence of males. And then, not to mention how dangerous it iss to have an unknown male living under the same roof. Not that I do not have faith in the goodness of the human race, it's just that they do not have my complete faith. I don't want to be caught up in a situation whereby something happens to me whilst alone in a house with a guy, and then I can't say much because not only is it wrong to live with a guy like that, but it will be considered by people to be asking for trouble... so, best not take the risk. Although, at this point of desperation, I can hardly care anymore. But my parents oppose the idea, so, all the more reasons not to. Ash, though, prefers the idea of having a guy in the house for the sake of safety. I agree, but then, like I said, my parents won't allow it, and I'd hate having to feel uncomfortable in my 0wn house.
  • The race factor. Yes, I'm speaking of difference in ethnicity and nationality. Not to be racist and whatnot, but, first of all, most of the people who post up room-for-rent adverts, state a preference of race, thus minimizing my options. Also, foreigners tend to ask for more, with their asking price for rent from around RM700 to RM800. And cultural/religious differences also come to play. Most foreigners here are fond of parties and alcohol; thus making them an unlikely candidate for housemate-dom. Especially if said parties and alcoholic beverages are had within the premises of the home. Locals, on the other hand, and the Chinese in particular, aren't very comfortable with races outside their own sharing a house. I've been turned down many times by those who wanted Chinese housemates only. Which reminds me, if they only want Chinese housemates, they should not write "Preferably Chinese" in their ads. It's misleading as it gives off that hope that yes, the would prefer a Chinese, but otherwise, any other race would be fine. If they didn't want any other race living with them, what they shoulda stated was "Looking for Chinese housemates only". Grrr... And then, there are the Malays. My own kin, to put it one way, eventhough I don't really care much for the race you are. When it comes to Malays, I am ever-wary of living with them, and would prefer to meet them if beforehand, before making the decision of moving in with them. I dread them busy-body types who barge in on your business. I am a relatively sociable person, but I like my space as well. And my space is mine, so don't come walking in uninvited.

So yeah, those are where the pain lies. Other than the usual requirements, ie peaceful and quiet housemates and them minding their own business, the factors above are what that is making it so hard to find a place. Minus all that, especially the gender and race factor, finding a house is pretty much a snap. But no, they hinder my getting a place...and thus, I am stuck in this rut.

And the worse thing is, my landlady who says she wants to take over the house sometime mid-year, has yet to confirm exactly when this will be. It puts us all in a tough situation not knowing when we need to get out. Especially since I'd rather stay than go... I don't mind paying the hefty rental, provided that I don't have to move out for the next few. Sheesh. This woman sure is inconsiderate. I mean, she has to give us a month's notice at least, and she has yet to do this. So if she expects to move-in in June without letting us know, she's in for a world of trouble.

In a rut I am.



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