Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bubblewrap Madness

"It's better than being on the computer"

That's what my sister, Haida, happily giggled out as she, my brother and I jumped up and down on a huge sheet of bubblewrap. Yup, it didn't matter to us if it was 11.55pm and that we just ate; we hopped and crawled and did a jig and circled the sheet of little air-filled bubbles like a long-lost tribe of crazies.

Our dad just came home with something that came in a big box and had this bubblewrap that could fit the three of us if we lay down on it. So what else, we put it to its use right away, regardless of the late hour and that I was in a kaftan; we happily saw that every little bubble popped in the many different ways.

Just some random fun we very rarely take the time to partake in, as we slowly drown and isolate ourselves with our gadgets and gizmos.

It's these kinda moments that take you back to times when you were only 6 or so and everything seemed so simple and so carefree. Everything is black and white and there were no in-betweens that made life all the more complicated. But back then, I wouldn't have my siblings, and there'd be no-one to share the joy with me. So I think again, there is no use in dwelling on what you cannot change. Learn from the past, and use the now to right the wrongs. Be thankful of what you have. What you have now, probably wouldn't have happened without the then; and the past happened the way it did to make the present.

So jump, live and smile. It takes you on a ride back into the past as you go up high, and brings you to back to where you are as you land. You are where you are from the leaps you take.

And bubblewrap makes it all the more fun as the kid I once was and still am giggles with genuine glee.

Love, Lin~

1 comment(s):

Dearests said...

Hahahahha. Chomel nya. You and your siblings look so happy, Alhamdulillah. :D

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