Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dance of Joy

I've met another Whedonite! I've met another Whedonite!

As it turns out, Juliana, my fellow new recruit, the person whom I carpool with, the one whom I walk to work and joke with, go for training with and sometimes have lunch and get chased by dogs with is a Whedonite. Yes, a Whedonite. And here I thought they were becoming extinct.

I discovered it over lunch while I was explaining to her why I don't watch much tv; about how a certain Director Extrodinnaire have ruined me for tv. I just opened my mouth to say "His shows are Buff..." and Juliana says, "Oh, you mean Joss Whedon? I love his shows!"... And I am left dumbfounded with my mouth hanging open.

We talked for over an hour...Discussing episodes and season and characters. We talked about Dollhouse, Firefly/Serenity and Dr. Horrible...Yup, Linzy was in her element, and I had to pause and tell her that this is what happens when you get me started. Before long, we realized we're already late and should've been back in the office about 10 minutes ago :p

It's a relief for me to let go; because a huge part of me is influenced by Joss Whedon's philosophy and thought. And to be able to discuss it freely and have the other person know what you are talking about is a rare treat for me. I mean, I know people who watch those shows, but not many would know scenes and certain characters and quotes and all those little details. People whom I actually know who are in the know of the Whedonverse are only a handful...and you know who you guys are :)

So, me over here, somewhere in my mind is doing Numfar's Dance of Joy.

JWIMMN (for the benefit of those not in the know, it means Joss Whedon is My Master Now),

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