Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Book with your Face

I dislike it when people say "Oh, I don't have Facebook. It's become uncool now that everybody is using it", or "I don't Facebook, it's for losers with no life", or even "Facebook?! Yeesh! Why would I stoop that low?". Well, to each his own, really; especially to the last two instances but do you really have to be that rude and condescending? And to the first comment, I honestly think to myself: So why don't you stop breathing now since every single person on earth is doing the exact same thing?".

Well, boohoo to you people lah. I wouldn't really give a damn but it's just that people like that grates at your nerves. I FB and I have a life, thank you very much. And Facebook (and other social networking sites) has time and time again made my day.

So what do I use Facebook for? Well, on the whole, I connect with friends old and new via my FB account. I've learned things I never knew about them, reconnected with them, keep in touch and stay current with them, watch them grow and change, wish/greet/congratulate them when occasions occur etc. Of course there are other attractions life games and other applications, but FB has really widened the ways I could interact and socialize.

I know it may sound lame to some, doing so via lit screens, mouse-moving and tapping keyboards, but it works; and friends whom I've been separated from by miles and time don't seem all that far away. I mean, eversince primary school, secondary school and uni-life, friends go separate ways. Some leave the country, some lose contact, some just disappear and you have no idea how to find them. When I left school, things like handphones were still a luxury, hence we only got housenumbers. But people move, and so did I; so those numbers became void.

Apart from that, via the applications (especially the earlier ones, before the revolutionized FB), I've discovered much about what my friends think of me. For example, the app that has your friends choose 5 words they think apply to you; I was pleasantly surprised to know that the top 3 characteristics my friends chose for me were intelligent, attractive and sweet. That tells me that I've been doing good all this while, and I should keep it up. I've also read testimonials friends write about me that brings tears to my eyes, like the touching ones Hamzah and Alfred used to write about me. It really made me feel very appreciated. And earlier, when the privacy settings were still a little sketchy, random guys would message me with pickup lines and fancy embellished prose to get my attention. Yes, I do realize that probably only a fraction of them were sincere and the others were just scum wanting to get laid, but it still did the ol' ego good, thinking I at least had the stuff to get them to even bother to make an effort :p

One of the best wonder Facebook has done for me is that it reconnected me with long-lost friends. Like one guy whom was my "boyfriend" in playschool whom I've not heard from or seen since we left kindergarten. I met him online some years back and he is still as cheeky and sweet as ever, and the best thing is he remembers all the silly things we did back in the day :p Oh, and recently, I reconnected with an old friend I've not met in a decade, thanks to her moving to the states and not having her contact number. It's such a wonderful feeling to have found her again... And of all ways to find her, is when I suddenly got tagged by a friend who saw my picture in this long lost friend's album... Wanna see the picture? No prize for guessing which one am I. I think it's bloody obvious. But keep in mind I was 11 at the time :p

The old gang of mine
I remember how we used to move in a pack
(L-R: back) Wan Nadiah -- third cousin on me mum's side, Syahirah -- instant bestie whom just joined school that year (1997), Afzan -- or better known as Ajan; spent much lepaking at her place, Atiqah -- the long lost friend.
(L-R: front) Meself -- with superlong hair tied tight, Ragini -- best friend, and also the triplet sister of an ex

For all the reasons I've said above, Facebook has been a wonderful addition to this life of technology. It's done me much good. And embarrassing photos aside, I hope it keeps on giving me all those surprises even as I lay inert in front of the pc screen living a life via lights and electricity.

*Oh, and you stuck-up tight-a**es can just be gone. I wouldn't wanna add you anyway.
And please don't even get me started on people who go on about FB being the instrument of evil of the Jews. You are the people who should get a life.

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