Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sweet Tooth

Today had me in need of a sugar rush. Perhaps because my family and I had our first meal of the day quite late, i.e. in the later half of a day; thus I was in need of sugar to translate into energy due to the lack of it. I needed the some sugary confection that would send me into a frenzy of hyperactivity.

And yes I know, my dear Inner Conscience, that I have been gaining weight since the semester ended; but hell, I had a need to be fulfilled. And that need would be in sinful amounts of sugar in a yummylicious form.

Some days ago, Ash just had to call me up to tell me that he was making brownies, knowing full well that I was way on this end of the country and cannot possibly have a try, let alone even catch a whiff of it. You cheeky devil; you owe me made-by-you brownies ^-_-^--> So I got the inspiration to whip up my own batch of brownies to stave of my sugar needs.

Admittedly, I was very malas to get the oven going and bake an actual brownie complete with the works. Furthermore, in my dire need, I needed something and I needed something sweet fast. So I hooked myself online and looked up some microwaveable recipes. Of course, there were so many to choose from, but I chose the one with minimal fuss and muss, and went bounding downstairs to collect my ingredients to get working.

It took me less than an hour to get everything all mixed up in a bowl, poured into a microwaveable container and tossed into the good ol' mikey. And with a turn of a dial, voila, presto, BROWNIES! Ok, ok, not really brownies. The recipe was for an 'Easy Chocolate Brownie Pudding Cake'.

Admittedly, the thing was ugly looking. Well, it was partly pudding, after all. I wanted to take a pic and post up my masterpiece for all to see, but after taking one look at it, I knew the only place where such a sight belonged to would be in some satisfied tummies.

So my siblings and I gathered around the table in all the manner of rabid dogs yet somewhat reverent. My dad is not big with the sweet stuff and my mum only eats it on occasions. So with a slice each, with chocolate sprinkles on top, we dug in.

Oh yeah, I could feel my arteries clogging and my blood caramelizing with just a single bite...but it was good, if I can say so myself. It was enough to tame the sugar monster in me for a while. My brother bantaied 3 slices, while my sister and I had 2 each. By then we were already muak tak terkata. But I was happy, and can now fall asleep happy.

Yumm... By the way, kudos to Chef Fifi for this recipe that gave me a yummy quick sugar fix. The recipe can be found [Here].

Yours Yumminess, Linzy~

2 comment(s):

sisterofheaven said...


need to bring that kat tepi pantai later on ;)

Hazlin Aminudin said...

Boleh boleh... It takes less than an hour to make. And the ingredients are mostly things that are just lying around in the kitchen. Nanti I can make a batch. Yummmm :)

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