Friday, April 17, 2009


Midbulk transport, standard radion-
accelerator core, classcode 03-
K64, "Firefly".
- River, Trainjob 1:03

Ayus, Fairuz, a friend of theirs Lesly, and myself were playing a trivia game on their Wii at Ayus' place after pizza for dinner. It was my turn to spin the wheel and it landed on the category 'Entertainment'. The first question went something like this:

"In the television series 'Firefly', the title name 'Firefly' refers to":

(a) The class/model of the ship
(b) The name of the ship

...and I don't remember the rest of the options.

In my excitement that such a question about Joss' almost obscure shows (to the general populace) would appear in such game, I pressed the buzzer and confidently clicked on...





Gorram tian xiao de impatient hands!!!!!

I should be taken to the altar of Whedon and shot like the Reaver that I am. Any Whedonite knows the gorram boat is Serenity or Ning Jing and the class is Firefly. I'm an embarassment. A traitor. I should be sent to Whedon rehab.

Time to break out them DVDs again, which by the way, are broken already possibly from excessive watching. I need to redeem myself.

Forgive me Joss for I have sinned. I suppose 10 Joss is Bosss and 24 hours worth of Whedonesque should do the trick.

Hazlin the Shamed Whedonite

2 comment(s):

Yanna said...

Aduh...Hazlin, how could you???


Hazlin Aminudin said...

Yes, I know..

I cringe at the very memory of it.


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