Thursday, September 11, 2008

Piece of Orange String

I was coming out of the bathroom one morning after a shower to go to class, and something caught my eye. There was this glint that caught my eye and made me make a double take to see what exactly in a bathroom could cause such a shiny glint like a diamond catching the sun. And so I took a few steps back, and saw that it was from this funky, bright orange looking thing plastered on the wall ( I said plastered because it looked like it was practically sticking onto the wall).

It looked like a wet piece of tangled up orange string stuck on the wall... Like the string or whatever you call it from a terry cloth towel all bunched up and stuck. But as it turns out, it was a very bright orange spider with freaky, wavy legs. And before you say, "Maybe it was just a piece of Orange String"; I say, "I'm sure as hell orange string don't creep and crawl across walls".

The glint that I saw earlier was from its eyes, and that was pretty cool. I mena, the eyes were just so shiny. There was no natural light to reflect on it, only a very dim fluorescent bulb up high illumination the bathroom... Not enough, in my opinion, to cause the eyes of that spider to glint the way it did. It was a pretty awesome sight.

I wanted to touch it but since I've never seen such a spider before, thought better of it. Was gonna take a picture, but at the rate it was scuttling, I won't get back from my room in time to take a picture... Maybe I'll look it up and see what species it is. If I can find it, that is. Since, well, there are thousands of bugs that have yet to be recognized and recorded.

Anyway, I hope I see it again... I so have to take a picture!

Love, Linzy~

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