Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Much Delayed Haircut

I've been saying for a few months now about how much I need a haircut.

Some weeks ago I resorted to snipping about an inch of my locks by my own self. I covered my floor with some old newspaper, switched on the main light as well as the table lamp for extra lighting, stood in front of the mirror with semi-wet hair with scissors in hand and proceeded to give meself a haircut. It didn't turn out so bad, if I say so myself, but it still left much to be desired: even layers, for one.

But then, like I said, that was some weeks back. And my hair, once trimmed down, grows out quite rapidly. In a short span of time, my hair got long again and kept getting tangled with the strap of my handbag. So, I was back to square one again, in dire need of a haircut.

I was at the Giant near my place and there was this hair salon that was having a promotion for haircuts for only 10 bucks. And I thought, what they hey, why not? Besides, my sister needed a haircut, too, and the hairdressers there were all Chinese (I have a problem with Malay hairdressers, I don't trust them giving haircuts). So in I went, and got meself a haircut.

My hair is nothing fancy. I just had about 3 inches cut off, leaving my hair at shoulder length. I didn't bother with layers since my crown has been suffering from massive hair fall; layers would only accentuate my not so thick hair. So basically, it's just a very simple, shoulder length, straight cut. I think its good for now... I haven't gotten a decent haircut since I left Kulim; mainly cos I haven't found a hairdresser I trusted, but I might just be a regular patron at this place I found and cut my hair regularly... Ah well, it's good for now.

Love, Linzy~

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