Saturday, September 27, 2008

Only Hours

It's only been hours since I left campus. Perhaps about 10 hours or so, including all that lugging of luggage and taking the LRT and the Komuter. It's not been that long at all...and yet, it feels like it's taken days and days. I'm now back here in Seremban, and while it's always wonderful to be back in the arms of my family, I'm missing Ash terribly.

I guess since we haven't had much time to spend together this week makes it all the more worse. I've been under the weather with flu and a slight fever, leaving me quite immobile. And Ash, having just taken off his cast on Monday, has been playing football three nights in a row causing him to not be able to wake up for class. Hence the lack of time spent together.

Now I'm not gonna be able to see him for about 9 days... *sigh* As happy as I am to be going back to Kelantan to see my family and celebrate Raya/Eid with them, I'm also feeling so hollow knowing it'll be many days til I get to see my sayang again. But I'll persevere. After all, this will be nothing compared to the semester holidays that will be coming soon. I don't know how I'll survive that.

Anyway, sayang, do take care. Drive home carefully. Have a good Raya. Come back to me safe. I love you.

Love, Linzy~

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