Saturday, May 09, 2009

Random Peeves

  • Yes, Facebook has become overrated now that everybody is using it. So what? I don't give a rat's hairy ass that you were among the first to discover the wonders of Facebook or whatnot. That doesn't give you privs to diss all the Malays who have recently started using Facebook to make their pathetic life more meaningful. It's a free (cyber)world that everybody can use, so let them choose what they wanna do with it. If you don't like that set of people, then make your profile private/inaccessible etc. I find it to be a useful tool for me to keep in touch with the kinda friends who love to change their phone numbers every time they blink or those who are now living in countries beyond my reach. Does that make me guilty, too, cos I use Facebook along with everyone? If only a select few used Facebook then where's the fun in that? There'll be no friends to connect with and the activities wouldn't be as fun, and there'll be no one to tag. So, stop dissing people who you think are following fads and are making you uncool. Why don't you stop living since everybody is doing it and see how that treats ya.
  • Dude, stop deluding yourself and stop calling yourself an alpha male in that self-important voice and all serious-faced cos you can't pull it off. Believe me, you're not. You're not man enough to say that. In fact, a real man won't even need to say that. You're just a boy with big words with no substance to hold yourself up. Lights on with nobody home. I'm sorry, but that doesn't impress me much. Get yourself a troll of girls who love such big talk, and leave us well alone. She says you're only as annoying when I'm around? Well, I suppose it's the only time when a girl don't fall at your feet cos you're so smart and instead challenges every word you say. Get off me and my friend, cos I don't think you can handle our minds. Oh, and while I'm at this, you got no right telling my friend what to wear and how to dress. Just cos she doesn't dress like them skanky girls you follow around in my friend's presence, doesn't make her unsexy. She's sexier being who she is, and not how you want to make her. Take her for the person she is, or leave her well alone.
  • Stop being so stuck up, girl, cos one day you're gonna realize that you're on the losing end. There's more to life than what that has to fall under your preferences and your perception. The world was made to be diversified, not just the one ideal. The world wouldn't be half as fun if it were. Don't look down on the people you don't see fit to fit into your little world. Acknowledge people for what they are and what they choose to be like or choose to like. There is no one set mould. There is no type. We are all bits and bobs that fit into one another.
  • Stop interrupting everything I say, Motormouth. I can never get a word in when you are around. You always have something better to say. You always have a better story to tell. So what? Wait your turn and let other people have a go. Don't jump in when people are mid-sentence or mid-story. It's rude and very hurtful. Stop it.
  • Not wanting to generalize, but the foreigners living in my block are terribly dirty. Not all foreigners, but a certain few from certain countries. They seem not to be in the know of the existence of things called garbage bags or trash cans and anything of the like, the things where you put the trash in. It seems so because they never know where to put their trash. They throw all manner of things out the window. Shoes, files, old books/magazines, bottles (glass and plastic), clothes, and anything else they could fling out the window litter the ground outside my window. And being on the lowest floor gives me the luxury of hearing all of that bouncing off the pavement. Oh, and the kitchen window? Well, as mentioned, I'm the one located closest to the ground, so the ledge outside the kitchen is full of old styrofoam boxes gone moldy, stale bread, food that has gone basi and all foodstuff or relating to it. And yes, I've seen the faces of the kinda people who throw them. And yes, the locals do it, too, but there is a certain level of decency to their doing so (if there can be such a thing). I don't care la, foreigner or not, whatever race; just be clean. We all wanna live comfortably, so stop being so goshdarn filthy.
  • Stop being holier than thou.
  • Please please please please please please please please please don't cancel Dollhouse. Don't do this to Joss again. Don't let another Firefly happen.
  • Something must be done about the cabbies in Cyberjaya who not only not use the meter, but charge twice the fare to head to one's destination. One cabbie who was a newbie used the meter cos he didn't know the route and I saw that the real fare to get from Cyberia to FSBM Plaza was about RM4.50. I've always known it was much lower than my normal 7 or 8 bucks but here I had the proof in plain numbers. Just cos people here are willing to fork out that much cash doesn't give them the right to charge however they like. Come on la, we don't all have a pocketful of cash.
  • Why hasn't my gaji come in yet :(

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