Thursday, May 21, 2009



I am always out of focus, glassy-eyed and grinning maniacally the day after. It's not often that I get to spend time with my Sayang, and when I do, every single moment is precious, and I relive them again and again in my head. Even the silly ones, like when I slightly tripped in front of a restaurant and then laughed, in embarrassment, into his arm. Even that puts a grin on my face that I attempt to make discreet, for fear that people would think I've gone mad.

Well, it wouldn't be far from the truth anyway.

In time, I know this will get better. There will be no more meeting once a month. Or in the case of the past three months, only twice. Hopefully soon, when my driving gets a little better, I will see him at least once a week, and not have to ache so much in wanting to see my Encik Sedil.

Not that seeing him more would make my post-date any less maniacal. I'm sure even if we see each other often, I'd still have that sudden rush, the tingle in my heart, and the wide, sudden grins that breaks out all over my face. It wouldn't change a single thing. Although, probably, my smiles would be much scarier than they already are. You have that effect on me, Sayang :)

I miss you already, darling. I'm counting the days til I get to see you again...even though I don't know just yet how long til I can stop counting.


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