Thursday, May 07, 2009


There's a reason why they used to call me The Responsible One.

Situation (right now):

It's 10.30am, and I am at home in bed, still in my nightie, and obviously unshowered. I am coughing and sniffling and have tissues littering the floor next to my bed from having sneezing all night, but was too caught up in my sleep to get up and throw them in the bin at the far corner. I have that heavy feeling in my noggin and it makes getting up from my pillow feel like torture (a little more than the usual).

In cases like these, there is no other thing that I could do but to just stay home and recover. But the Annoying Responsibility-Addict+Ever Constant Guilty Conscience in me is feeling bad for not being at work. I feel like I should be there to at least do something, even if there is nothing needing my immediate attention. I feel guilty for being here at home doing nothing in particular while my friends and colleagues are in the office slaving away doing what they need to do. I feel useless.

If responsibility was a disease, then it musta been something I've contracted and never recovered from. As I am typing this, I am actually contemplating going to the office after lunch time. I cannot just sit around and laze. Especially not when I am alone with my guilty thoughts and fighting my conscience that says go to work while logic says, get some rest. Haih...

After much thought, I think I will be going to work.


Diseased with Responsibility,

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