Friday, November 21, 2008

Word Tease

I have a million and one words that I would love to put into writing. Unfortunately, with the existence of my blogs, I have ceased to write in my actual journal because a) it's too tiring to write about the same thing twice, and b) I've gotten so used to typping everything out that I actually dread writing it all down by hand. Me, tired of writing? Now that is blasphemy.

And since we're in that vein of thought; the million and one things would seem blasphemous to be made concrete. They involve the neurons in my brain working overtime connecting with one another in harmonious fashion to give birth to a bundle of sinful words. Everything from paganism to eroticism, sharpening the dull edge of words that cut like a knife. All inspired by my hell-bent mind with the help of, well, some other inspiration *dangerous smile*

Ah well, they're not even written down yet. They're just there teasing my mind to bring my fingers to tap them down onto the screen. But they'll be substantiated when the need arises. For now, let them play in my own personal playground.


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