Monday, November 17, 2008

To all my IIUM Friends

To all of the people I've gotten to know in IIUM, be it those of the same course or not, those I went to class with, lepaked with, talked to, been groupmates with, or met in one circumstance or another:

Thank you for gracing my life with your presence. I've always believed that no matter what kind of impression you have made, it all becomes part of me; experiences that would shape and influence my life to make me the person I am, the person I am becoming and will become. My life was made all the more better and exciting by getting to know you guys. I thank you all for that.

I am going to miss all of you guys. Seriously I will. It doesn't matter how close I am to you, many years from now I *will* look back and wonder what you are doing, where you are now and hope you're doing fine. But I do hope that I don't have to wonder, cos I hope to keep in touch. It's the 21st century, and we have Facebook, Friendster, blogs, e-mails etc., so there's no reason to be disconnected.

To those I did not get to meet before I moved out of campus, sorry. I meant to go around to meet everyone, but there wasn't time, and many have left for the holidays by then. So I hope to see you guys soon, some way or other. I'll still be by IIUM sometimes, and there's always Convo '09...

So, again. Thanks all. Ash, my Twisties, my BENdits, my fellow BENL family, my lecturers, Mahallah Nusaibah neighbours and everyone else in IIUM I know, it's been a pleasure. But it's time I moved on to the next phase of my life. Take care, and I hope to see y'all another time. I'll miss you all.

Love, Linzy, Lin, Tomatimmy, Hazlin (or whatever else you know me as) :)

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