Friday, November 14, 2008

To Do List

I am now an unemployed bum, as I have been advertising everywhere. I'm done with Uni, and now only waiting for my final results to see what kinda student I make. What kinda student I've been all this time. Results will probably take almost 3 weeks or so... So I have a long time til then. And the next semester (which *hopefully* I will not be a part of) is about 5 weeks from now. So yeah, long time.

In this time, I'll be left to my thoughts to ponder upon what I've acheived all this while. I have to think about what I want to do next. What I want from this life. And the best way to reorganize my life to this new beat I am stepping to, is to make a list of things that needs doing. Mind you, it's not a list of huge things to accomplish. It's a just a basic list of things I gotta do and catch up with while I have time on my hands. Just a little here and there to improve myself and keep me occupied, lest I feel lazy and useless in this time of unemployment.

  1. Practice and perfect my driving. I've yet to gain confidence in driving :p
  2. Perfect my cooking.
  3. Write up and perfect my resume.
  4. Think of lecturers I can get recommendations from.
  5. Go get myself a bunch of passport sized photos.
  6. Rummage through my huge wardrobe and sell whatever I don't need on eBay.
  7. Compile and rearrange my notes to give away, keep or discard.
  8. Clean up my room and the rest of the house.
  9. Write more in this blog.
  10. Eat more veggies and fruits and fix the horrific diet I've been on when on campus.
  11. Write 'thank you' cards to my lecturers.
  12. Write down the poetry that's been swimming about in my head.
  13. Download movies online, now that I have the time.

Ok, that's all I can think of for now... I was pretty sure I had more on my list. But I can't seem to recall them at this time. Ah well, I shall add more when I remember. Til then, then.

Love, Linzy~

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