Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bug Allergy

Late last night, or should I say this morning, since it was already about 5am; I was bitten by this tiny black bug with wings. Oh wait, let me correct that statement: I was bitten twice by this tiny black bug with wings. The first bite was on my right forearm, cos the bug apparently got stuck underneath it. The second came from nowhere, and the next thing I knew there was a burning, stinging sensation on my left elbow.

Damn, I thought to myself.

From young, I have been absolutely allergic to certain bug bites. Especially bugs that carry a sting. The allergic reaction, at its mildest would cause a swelling around the area of the bite. While at its worst, my entire body would be covered by huge bumps that would keep on swelling. In the worst case scenario, I could suffocate and die due to the swelling as it would cause my throat to be constricted from breathing in air.

For some reason I didn't have any allergy (antihestamine) pills handy like I usually would, so I decided to wait an hour and see what reaction I would have to it. If it got bad, I'd wake my parents up. If not, well, nevermind then. Within the hour, it didn't spread to my entire body, and all I felt was a mild prickly sensation on my skin. The bites just swelled up likke crazy and stayed that way, and didn't affect me in whole. The next thing I knew, I was asleep and woke up about 9.30am.

I checked my body, and there was nothing amiss. The swellings were still there, red and angry, and so swollen it looked like it was some flesh separate from my body and glued on to me (ok, eew, I know). But then, the prickly sensation has gotten worse. The palms of my hands felt like they were on fire, and my skin felt stingingly painful in places. I had a quick shower and got my mom to bring me to the clinic. My body was hurting so bad.

I was considered an emergency, so I bypassed everyone else in the clinic and got into the doctor's office. His name was Sam and he looked like he was 19. I was tempted to ask where his father was and why his father would let him take over today. The fact that he wore jeans and a very casual orange t-shirt make me feel even more doubtful. But he was good, he knew what he was talking about and dealt with everything swiftly.

He told me he had to give me an allergy jab, and so he began to administer it. I braced myself for the gorram huge measurement of dosage (the pressure of the syringe pumping in the dose into my veins was frickin painful). It took my mind off the pain of the allergy cos damn, the jab was so damn painful. My entire arm went numb and lost all sensation. They felt heavy and lifelessand all I could do was drag them along with me.

When I got home at about 12pm, I got upstairs and into bed, tried calling Ash a few times but fell dead asleep in the process. The next thing I knew I got a phone call from Ash just before 1pm asking what it was. I told him what happened and then just collapsed again til 4pm when Ash messaged me and my sister waking me up to eat some food.

I'm much better now, although the swelling on my arms has yet to go down. My arms are still somewhat numb but not painful. I have to take about 7 pills in one go everyday for 5 days, so I think I should be ok. Argh, I hate bugs.

Oh, by the way, I caught the stupid bug that bit me and out it in plastic bag and squished it do death. So there.

Love, Linzy~

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