Monday, March 15, 2004

Starting a new semester

Wow, the holidays go by so fast, huh? I hardly felt it. The next thing I know is that I’m back on the Holy Grounds. Well, it’s not like I’m complaining much but… I sure would have loved to spend a few more lazy days sleeping in. But being back has its’ fun too. At least I have friends to hang out with here. Rather than staying at home doing absolutely nothing.

Unlike what I expected, I passed all the subjects. Even Arab which I thought I had to repeat again. So right now I’m taking Arab Level 1 Part 2 this short semester. Only one subject for the rest of this 7 week semester I’m taking. And that leaves me with a whole week of free afternoons because my classes are only in the morning. Actually, I contemplated getting myself a job to fill in the extra time I have but I doubt that there’ll be a job for me where I could work until 5 or 6 pm. But hey, I’m not giving up just yet. I will try some more. No harm in trying right? I’m gonna call up a few places when I get to Shah Alam and who knows? I might end up with something.

So, it has been one week back in UIA and surprisingly, it didn’t quite turn out to be that boring 5 days I imagined it would be. Miss Adibah came to my hostel room on Tuesday night to chat. Yup, my tiny Poetry lecturer who is absolutely cool came to hang out and chat. We talked about boyfriends, movies and quite a lot more. Seriously, she can talk a whole lot. I think we talked for more than 2 hours which I was very grateful for. Since Sarah went back home that day, I was bored and didn’t have much to do. So her presence was very much appreciated.

Then, on Thursday I found out an amazing thing. Since again I was gonna be alone in the room, I went to Fidz’s to sleepover. The amazing thing was that I found out that we had a very good friend; no, in fact 2 good friends in common. It turned out that she knows Fahrol (whom I called Alfred) and also Ferman (who was my classmate back in Form 5). What a bloody small world. I never thought that kinda thing could ever occur. Really, I had a bit of trouble digesting that information into my system. It was amazing really. It’s something you never anticipate. Oh, and one more thing that I found out when I went over to Fidz’s was that I discovered that she has a boyfriend at the warong (Fidzy sayang, don’t kill me ok?). This guy wears an orange coloured cap and keeps flirting with her… Fidzy, don’t try to deny it. I know you’re planning a wedding. It’s ok if you wanna break up with me, I won’t hold it against you. Just don’t forget to invite me to your wedding ok? Oh, and there was this female cat that kept jumping into my lap. Fidz said that the cat was attracted to me… Eeew…a cat? Female somemore!

(In agreement to Juliah's entry in conjunction to my entry on March 12)There’s this thing that has been bugging me quite lately; people underestimating me, putting me down and considering me as lower than them. Look, I’m not trying to be superior to anyone but the least you could do is to treat me fairly. I know I look like I don’t seem much. Most people dismiss me as just another face in the crowd. I might be a pushover. I may just be a girl. But hell, don’t think I’m not capable of being strong, of being just as able as anyone else; especially you. It disgusts me when people dismiss my opinions and talk to me in a tone that exudes their supposed power. I HATE people like that. I’m not saying who the person/these people is/are, I’m not gonna go that low. I’m just saying this out cos well, I’m tired of being treated like a fool. These people just love to act superior, as though everything that they say, are connected to or anything they are involved in are superior to anything I have to offer. In the first place, you were the one asking for my opinion, but all I am met with for my piece of mind is your pride. Well sorry to burst your bubble, but you are not all high-and-mighty as you think you are. Stop thinking that the world is all about you and come back down to Earth. I’m tired of keeping quiet. I’m not the just a girl you can pretend not to see. I’m more than that. So, get your fat head out of the clouds for once. It wouldn’t hurt to be human.

Phew, that was a bit much. Well, that will be all for now. I’m tired and just need to stop typing. So goodbye peeps. Oh, by the way Fidz, you’re on about the barcode thing and the other thing. Though I don’t know when. Hmm…I don’t wanna be strip-searched. But hell, let’s try it out anyway. So, KHUDROWAT NARA! And syukran. –LinZy-

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