Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Amazing friends...and how I spent time with them.

Hiya people.....how is everyone? Well, like I told you guys in the last entry, I've been pretty down....but....well, I'm here right now to tell you about the better part of my week.

Hmmm.......I guess I can consider myself pretty lucky that I have amazing friends who could take away my sadness in an instant; even if it's only for a while. It's great to know that I have so many friends who are always there to comfort me. I love you guys

On Sunday, I had a terrific time with one of my best friends Hamzah. Hehehe...he belanje me tengok LOtR:RotK and McDonald's that day. So sweet of him. I haven't seen him in months and I so totally needed to catch up with him. Too bad I couldn't spend more time with him cos I had to head off to bloody Seremban. We had fun though. He wanted to take me into a SEX SHOP!!!!!! He was telling me about glow-in-the-dark condoms and edible underwear........Hmmm.......interesting but, well, not my thing dude! Oh come on, I'm bloody "innocent". Lucifer, don't corrupt me anymore!!!! But thanx for the treat that day. Appreciate it loads! Lots of love to ya!

Oh yeah, yesterday when Sarah and me went to Payless and yakking away in there (as usual), we encountered this Chinese guy who wanted to get through the aisle we were blocking. Sarah asked him whether he wanted to pass by and he told us that it as ok. And then he commented that we had "good english". Hmmmm.....that was flattering. I mean, never before had a complete stranger just simply commented on how good the level of language we use everyday could be. We were damn flattered and Sarah reckons tha the guy was kinda cute, hehehehe...... Oh, I also (well, actually Sarah did) found an ANGEL magazine and despite the fact that it'll burn a hole in my pocket, I bought it anyways. Bloody Hell, I'm such a bloody fanatic!

Hmmm......what else about the week.....Not much really. Even though I feel so much better when I'm among the dudettes, at the back of my mind, I'm still feeling like a whole load of crap. It's eating away my insides. I'm as hollow as a dead as a blonde's head. My eyes are vacant, unseeing as I just walk on. I'm half-dead.....

Oh, Sarah and I also went for Fidzy Cola's performance thingy at Atria on Saturday. We were going to surprise her with a banner saying "Masyaallah Sister!" but we got kantoied when she spotted Sarah cos we were standing right next to her family...Damn! We had a fun time nonetheless...Hehehehe....And she actually fell for it that we couldn't make it to the performance. She really thought that we were on-line chatting when we sent her an sms wishing her good luck. Hahahahaha....you did great Fidz, despite the fact that you didn't really know the words to the song Hotel California. The guitar solo was great! Tell us when you have more performances. So at least next time we could bring more banners. Hahaha....

Those things aside, bad stuff and good stuff, let it be said again that I appreciate every single one of my friends who are always there for me thick and thin. You guys know who you are! You're the best guys. Love ya all loads!!!!!!!!

Love, The Responsible aka Corrupted One

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