Monday, December 15, 2003

Rocking on Stumpy style!'s incredible that you can feel absolutely depressed for a time, then feel joyful again in a blink if an eye....then, get back to feeling depressed again. It's a routine my life seems to take up. I go through the days experiencing too much for just one brain, heart, mind and soul to take. Bloody Hell, I don’t know why, but depression loves me. Heck, do I have the look that says "DEPRESSION! I'm yours!"?'s just a weird, weird world. But you know what's funnier? It's how no matter how depressed I am, externally I'm smiling. I don’t know whether that's cos depression just can't weigh me down, or it's just cos I'd rather keep it to myself....But then again, I keep jotting down stuff in here so, I can't be wanting to hide anything. To Heck with it, I'm me and even I can't seem to do anything about it ( not that I want to anyways). So, whatever it is, I'm living the life, according to Fidz: "Stumpy Style" Rocking on in fact...Hahahaha.....Ehemmm...okay, I'm going loony now so...bye bye peeps.

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