Saturday, December 27, 2003

I've turned 18!!!

Warghahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm 18 now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So.....what am I gonna do LEGALLY first? Hmmmmmm....... I don't drink, smoke there isn't much choice of what to do to show that I'm 18 ... One jahat friend of mine said that now I can have sex freely.....Hmmm.....interesting but I think I'll pass that luxury up until I get married(I can hear snickering!!!!!).

Well, yesterday when it was my birthday, well, not much happened. Kinda sad really but, at least my family and me celebrated a little and I had my friends either call me, sms me or e-mail me their wishes. Sarah called me first, followed by all you other BENdits... I even had Julia screaming the birthday song in my ear. i had all my old schoolmates call me up and send me mesages...Aaaaawww, thanx guys, you remembered. Hehehehehe....I appreciate each and every one of them nonetheless. I love you guys!!! I dare say that I have the bestest friends anyone could ever have.

I did wish for some other people to call. I haven’t heard from them in a long, long time and I miss them so very much. But whatever it is, I'm sure they had a good reason for not wishing me or anything.

Hell, whatever the Hell it is, I had another bloody nice year of my life. I entered the God-forsaken Holy Grounds, met one bloody cool and lovely bunch of friends and well, a whole lot of other things. Wish more good things for me for years to come. I love you all and Merry Christmas.

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