Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Knowing me....

Ok....someone requested I write daily accounts in my blog but...well, I don't really like the idea of putting my thoughts online for all to see. What I write here are only external, things I don't mind people knowing. What I feel inside is a whole different story. I fight a war inside myself everyday about so many things, so, to put it all in plain colour do them no justice. No justice at all.

Come to think of it, no one really knows what is in the depth of my mind. I've never told anyone and...well, I just noticed that there isn't a single person who knows my heart and soul. It's funny, considering the number of close friends I have whom I pour (most of) my heart to. *Sigh* But the question is: Do I really want people to know me? Somehow I have this feeling that I have so much to hide when I don't really.... I dunno dudettes... It's not like I wanna hide anything from you guys but....I just dunno.

Anyways, on to other things....well, Hmmmm.....my birthday is in 2 days!!!!!!!!!!! I'll FINALLY turn 18!!!!!!! Now I can watch 18 movies LEGALLY! Hehehehehehehehe..... (evil laugh)

Hahahahahaha....anyways, to my people reading this: BENdits and NYNErs alike, I love you all. You've been amazing friends. I appreciate everything you guys do for me. XOXOXO

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