A photograph of my (new) Claddagh;taken with my Nokia 6500s and edited using Picasa 3
With this, I pledge my love, my friendship and my loyalty.
The symbolism of the Irish Claddagh ring that I wear is so much more to me than just being a testament of my love for
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all things pertaining to it. I love the symbol in itself, and the [
history] behind it. In just that one symbol, so much can be said, and so much meaning is put into wearing it. I may not be Irish, but I see no wrong in my appreciation of this ring.
I used to wear it on my right hand with the heart facing away, meaning that my heart did not belong to anybody; and back then wearing it didn't really mean much. I was basically declaring that I was single, and I didn't like that; not because I hated admitting I was single, but it made me felt like I was desperate for love. But that aside, I wore it like a secret I kept to myself, because, after all, not that many people here know what it is about and what it means to wear it the way I do. So I had it on my finger in a way that had me writing covertly on what I think of it; as my secret.
But as of the 11th of April 2008, I now wear my ring on my right hand with the heart facing me to indicate that I am spoken for, taken, have my heart belonging to someone and simply said, no longer single. I have willingly given my heart to my Encik Sedil, and it's no longer up for ownership by anyone else. And in my heart of hearts, this is my way of telling my Sayang that he has my love, my friendship and my loyalty and that no one else has my heart but him. The heart is for all the love that I can ever provide and more, the hands are for my friendship in which I'll be an ever faithful confidante, and the crown is for my loyalty to him and him only. He is the reason I wear my Claddagh in such a way because it's my declaration to the world that I'm his.
So this is my Claddagh, and I wear it proud. Because I love my Asdil.
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