Wednesday, July 23, 2008

No Offence, Sir

But your class is really boring.

I mean, really.

You're nice. You have that very fatherly type of way and I'm very very positive that you're a nice person. You have had an interesting life with lots of stories to tell. And I'm sure you're a very good journalist as well, seeing how you've been the judge for many competitions. And you're very knowledgeable at that. I guess it's the way journanlists should be...

But could you please, for once, stop talking about yourself and focus on the point of the class? Please pretty please?

It's the third week, and we're still on the introduction of feature wrting. You take up almost two classes just explaining the 5 different types of feature writing and prattle on and on til the explanation just loses its flavour. It gets so tiring after a while. For crying out loud, sir; you're supposed to make writing interesting and fun, not boring.

And I dunno, maybe it's the fact that I'm an English Language and Literature major (in a classful of journalism/communications majors), but I feel rather insulted when you continously ask how to pronounce this and that, and what this or that means. Some of the more unfamiliar words or terms I understand your doing that, but the more common ones? *sigh* It doesn't help that you have that slight tone of superiority when you ask... Not in the rude way, but in that I-know-better way. I hate that tone of superiority when superiority is not due.

I just get really bored in that class. I mean, it's my last semester, and I want to have fond memories. Not the feeling of total relief of being free from boring lecturers... Cos when it all comes down to it, I love lectures.

So yeah, I can't wait for this substitute lecturer to go and for my real lecturer to come back.


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