Thursday, July 10, 2008

Living Conditions

Things were a little hectic on Wednesday, what with that being the first day I attended my Monday/Wednesday classes. Because, well, true to tradition, I did not go to any of my classes on Monday; for it is after all my very last semester. I'm not gonna be ruining it by actually breaking tradition. So it was only on Wednesday did I manage to go to all my classes, check out how the lecturers are and find out what my classes were all about. It wouldn't have been so bad if it was in the morning; but the fact that I had classes til 5pm drained me abit. Was a little spaced out by the end of the day.

Thankfully, a little R'n'R was provided by chilling at the good 'ol reliable Bangi Kopitiam. My head needed a wakeup call, and that was it for me. A little drink, a laugh with good company and I'm good to go again.

There was something that Fidzy did, I think the way she was mopping up a spill on the table with a tissue that made Aaina comment. In turn we commented on how Aaina was doing a Monica, what with being such a perfectionist. We then moved to talking about the episode when it turns out that Monica has a 'mess room', and about her organized mess and Chandler wanting to share in making a mess in the room since they are married and living together. From that we jumped on to the idea about all of us living together and who'd be the last one standing.

Prior to this meeting of minds, we saw this banner promoting a penthouse with 8 rooms and 8 bathrooms. And in that vein of thought, we talked about who'd live in that same house and came up with this idea:

8 rooms would go to:
2. Ayumi
3. Aaina
4. Lina
5. Maj
6. Raqib
7. Stitch
8. Ash+me

We were going on about who'd do which chore/housework, who'd be the entertainer, who'd die first due to being killed for not doing their part etc. Ash and Lina opted to cook, since they're the only ones who'd probably do the best job of it. I'd do the dishes and laundry, since I actually like doing the dishes and the laundry. I'm not sure what Aaina would do, since eventhough she says she likes cleaning up, that's only for her own room. Fidzy says, she doesn't want to do any housework, so she'll probably comfine herself to the room or be the entertainer. How the nature of entertainment is, I have no idea. But I do believe it involves pole dancing....(Fidzy, do keep that in your own room). Yumi would probably do housecleaning too, while we weren't sure where to place Maj, Raqib and Stitch... We'll bring that question around again sometime.

But thinking about it, it would be one helluva cool idea. I mean, what's better than living with friends? Sure, there'll probably be a time when you'd wanna kill each other and all, but I'd rather be killed by friends than some crazy-ass roomie who sleeps with the light on but with the fan off. Or make you have dreams of scorpions and blood and steal your soul.... Well, ok, that only happens in Buffy.

Anyway, it's still a point to ponder on... And I wouldn't mind the idea some time in the future, should we all work in the same area and wanna find a place to stay. Hmmmmm...we'll see in time.

Love, LinZy~

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