Monday, July 28, 2008


I just want to getaway.

No, I'm not feeling depressed or angry or anything remotely bad that makes me want to run away from the world. It's just that I have been having so little time to spare for the people I love (Ash, my family and my Twisties and friends I've not seen since forever-that means you, Hamzah, Alfred, Suneetha and the BENdits, too.....but in this entry's context, I mean mostly youlah sayang) that I just want to drop all my responsibilities for the moment and have a sort of reprieve. I know it's not possible, but I can dream, can't I?

It doesn't have to be anywhere fancy. Heck, I could lock myself in a house and switch off all modes of communication and pretend the world just revolves around that house and there would be nothing outside the door but darkness. And I'd be happy to stay just like that. Of course, we'd need to stock up on some food and all, but otherwise, I would think that we'd need nothing else.

Can we?

*sigh* I know we can't. That would require me having to rewire my brain to not be so worrisome and not so much of the Responsible One. We'd have to stop time. We'd even have to look for someplace where no one would look so I can pretend that the world does not exist for a few days.

But nothing like that could happen, so I guess that the least I could do is be content with the now.

Maybe we can plan something soon?

Love, Lin~

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