Tuesday, August 26, 2008

At Play

I was anticipating Monday night. My sayang had a theatrical performance that night at the Experimental Hall and I was very psyched to watch it. It's been quite a while since I've watched a play staged by my fellow coursemates and this being my last semester, I was very excited to watch my last play as a student of IIUM.

I was quite disappointed for a while when the play was almost cancelled due to some complications. I really wanted to see Ash doing what he does best. But when he told me on Sunday that the play was back on, I couldn't wait for Monday night.

It was a bit of rush, definitely, for the whole cast. I mean, thinking it was cancelled but only to have it back on schedule at the very very last minute... They had rehearsals the whole afternoon hours just before the performance, and eventhough I wasn't there, I'm guessing it must have been a helluva lot to do. And I'm also guessing that since it was so last minute, they had to forgo alot of things cos there wasn't enough time to really get into it. And Ash did mention that he didn't get to really get into the feel of the character.

I would say that the play was done nicely, regardless of the last minute-ness and all. The story carried and I was taken aback at the ending...so much so that I stared unblinking at the stage and unable to capture any pictures. I just sat there watching my sayang act the crazed person as he killed his 'daughter' and then laughed hysterically on the floor.

Me wish me could watch more plays...but this is my last semester, yo; and there ain't anymore. I regret having missed so many plays in the past due to my nerdly intent to finish my work instead of a little RnR. In fact I missed several plays that my sayang was in... Sorry!

Anyway, it was a good night. Despite the tiredness and worry I had in my brain cos of all the work I had to finish, it was good to take a little time off, have a chat with Fidzy for a bit and watch a play (one that Ash was in at that).

You really were good, sayang. And I'm not just saying it. You really portrayed your character well and it was very believable. Especially at the end...you sounded really mad that it actually scared me. I just wish you didn't punch the stage so hard...Now I'm worried about your bengkak hand, which is now a little blue. Get it checked will you?

Love, Linzy~

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