Monday, June 23, 2008

My Last Short Semester

The semester came and went.

And soon, I wouldn't have that to say anymore.

It does seem a little odd, the prospect of leaving IIUM. Not that I haven't thought about it or prepared myself for it or even fantasized about it a million times; but now that it is actually coming to be, drawing closer, the anticipation+the dread is making itself known. It's a mix of emotions, and I cannot really put it into words; and I'm not going to. I'll keep for when I really do leave IIUM. For now I'll just enjoy the 4 months that I still have.

The last 2 months have been eventful, crazy, confusing, and on top of it all, wonderful. Not for the semester itself, of course, but the events that it brought with it. The semester itself, well, let's just say I went with all the motions, not quite feeling it at all. I understand close to nothing in my Arabic 2 class...if not for my sayang's effort to teach me abit, well, my statement would go: 'I understand nothing in my Arabic 2 class...'. And then there's World Literature, a subject that I would have loved if not for the fact that colonialism/postcolonialism+feminism dominated the entire syllabus. It's just not my area. I can decipher literature fine and dandy, but if I've no passion in it's subject topic, then they just fall flat without much to bounce on.

But that's just academic-wise. The three-quarters of the semester which was not spent in class was much more fun =) The ones that have been spent with Ash, of course, there are no words for it. There were some un-fun parts, the ones that came from misunderstanding of certain parties and the like...I guess it comes with the territory, but the rest was unbelievably wonderful. It's like getting to know a new me. Or is just a part of an old me that I've never met?

Whichever one it is, I've never met Linzy in Love, and she's one helluva person to meet. And this whole semester, I've been discovering deeper and deeper depths of her that I never knew existed. It's new and it's scary sometimes and surprising and wonderful all at once. It makes me all kinds of happy; and especially happy that us happened the way it happened, sayang. I cannot explain it, but I'm thankful it did.

And Fidzy, I dunno whether I am at liberty to say it, but I think I am; I am happy that you are happy. I guess I'm not the only one rediscovering myself this semester. You 'scared' me on Friday with the shoes and everything....sigh. These 2 months have been crazy. And it's been so great hanging at your place for days on end, lepaking with you and Shu and your family, too. And in case you're wondering, yes, I still have that 'freaky' revelation/vision thing in my mind. And yes, you are so uncool now. But it's alright, I think it's a cool kinda uncool. *wink wink*

It's gonna be a very quiet holiday, having to contend with what just went on in the semester. I'm gonna be missing you alot, sayang. And all of you Twisties that I love as well. I'm looking forward to a new semester on the 7th... New adventures and craziness and twistedness. Aaah, a perfect way to end my IIUM stint with a bang....ermmm, not that kind. I meant the other kind, you know, the kind that just explodes and just...ooh, nevermind. Thanks for the wonderful semester... Now to await the exam results... I hope this won't be the first time I'd have to repeat a paper.

Love, LinZy~

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