Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Deadly Sins

It's the holidays. And after a semester with extra crazy on top, it's very hard to keep up the trend and have just as much a crazy holiday. So then, holidays with me is a time for reflection and long hours staring at the screen of the laptop finding things to occupy my time with.

My latest conquest in time-fillingness is reactivating my account. Having done that yesterday, I've been whiling my time and idle hands away with quizzes and tests of all sorts. From nicey-nice ones, to the provocative type questions. It's all in the name of bored-ism (boredom, actually; but my sister, not being familiar with it used 'bored-ism' instread), but at least it's something. There are other things I could do, of course, but more effort is involved so sometimes I pass.

Anyway, was browsing the long list of quizzes and I came across the 'How Sinful Are You? Test' and it rather struck my fancy. I mean, not that I subscribe to the idea, but I was rather piqued by the question of which one ruled over me... or perhaps how I fare in each of them. And so I took the test.

The 7 Deadly Sins were first described in the 6th Century by Pope Gregory the Great in the following ranking:

Pride. Envy. Wrath. Sloth. Greed. Gluttony. Lust.

Now which one held me over the most? I did not find it surprising--I have excessive Pride. Yup, mine is right at the tippy-top. The one ranked first in the list. Said to have been the worst of the sins for it is a human being's attempt at Godliness, for being/feeling superior was thought to be an act of blasphemy in trying to rival God. But then, the test also attributes Pride to self-worth and self-respect. The fact that a person love him/herself and could not be bothered by what others think is also a sense of pride.

So, as it turns out, on a scale of 1-10, I am at a 9 with Pride, while the average person only comes at 5. And that is a whole lot of difference. But to be honest, I am not surprised. I know I sometimes come across as arrogant and self-important, often a little unfriendly... But then, if you were to know where I came from, you'd understand. Living a huge amount of your schoollife being picked on and told that you were dumb (in some subjects), lazy, unattractive etc. could put a damper on your spirits. Eventhough in my heart I knew I was better than people like them, it still hurt. So when you start fresh in a new environment, you make sure no one was gonna have the chance to put you down again. So you put on high defences, so that no one could shoot you.

So yeah, I have pride, because I feel the need to prove that I am better. And even if it's not that, it's to protect my soft squishy insides with a hard, proud outside (sounds a lil bit like M&Ms, doesn't it?).

The sceond highest I ranked at was Lust...surprisingly. I scored a 7 while the average was only 3... Thus meaning that err, hmmm, I'm...hornier than the average person. By 4 places. And on that, I have no comment...

The third highest ranking in sins is my Greed, where I got a 6 while the average only is at 4... Not so bad, as compared to the first two, where the difference was major. But I wouldn't disagree with this. I mean, wealth means alot nowadays, right? Even the most basic needs now costs so much. And with my allowance, it leaves a lot to be desired... But it doesn't mean that I never give back. I mean, I am more of a giver than a taker. It's just that sometimes I wish I had more... and I don't think I'm the only person in the world who feels so.

Gluttony ranks as fourth with me. I scored a 5 while the average is at 3. Not so bad lah...but still, that's more than the average. But heck yeah, I am guilty of eating alot things that are unhealthy rather than healthy. Dahla I am not even a sayur fan...I hardly eat greens. Yep, carnivore I am.

Next would be Sloth. Same like above, I got a 5 while the average was only 3. But according to the report, it says that it's not that I'm lazy, it's just that the space between one action to another is far between because I find it very hard to start something. The report suggests I should have more enthusiasm. I'm not sure how to respond to this... Yes, I'm more of a homebody, preferring a more laidback life... But when it comes to work, I love it. Ok, ok, yeah, a little slow at starting it, procrastinating and all, but I love it nonetheless.... Ok, I understand the assesment now.

The next is Envy, getting a 4 when the average is 2. And it says here "it indicates that you likely refrain from focusing too much on what others have, and at the same time probably don't spend alot of time worrying about what you don't have". So it's not so bad then. Like Greed, it's just that I long for a little more, but do not covet what others have. I'm pretty satisfied with what I have.

The last one, the one right at the bottom-est of my sins is Wrath. For this sin, I only got a 2 when the average is 3, making this the only one I do not have excess at. In fact, I am less wrath-y than the average. Which is well, true. I am very hard to anger. I can be very tolerant and make allowances...and I don't ever hold grudges. Which is also a curse (as mentioned in the entry 'Finding Ning Jing'), since people tend to take advantage of that and treat me anyway they want.
So, in short, my sins rank as follows:

Pride. Lust. Greed. Gluttony. Sloth. Envy. Wrath.

I'd say that it's not bad... The explanations were pretty much interesting and accurate in many ways in the description of my character. But seeing how since 6 of the sins I scored more than the average, that makes me a pretty sinful person. Hehe... Not that I mind. It's just who I am.

Love, LinZy~

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