Thursday, July 09, 2009

'Tis Lady is a Vamp

I've been busy.




Hence, the lack of much needed words to be typed into this space. But I needed to prioritize, and while this is important to my sanity, there was another thing that needed much attention paid to it.

I was elected as Aust-B's team representative for the Fun Inc. group. And once having done so, Fun Inc is planned for tomorrow to be the next Dress-up Day. Only this time around, it would be a team thing, and the best team would get a sum of money for them to spend. And after discussing in our weekly meeting, we all decided to become vampires in entirely black attire. So my having been made team representative, I went all out to make sure we will do great and win. So far, most of the team seems to be very game. So I hope the turn out will be super.

We've been keeping it a secret so to not be a "dead" giveaway since the "stakes" are high. We wanna win this thing and give the other teams something to sink their teeth into.

I've made a banner that'll hang over our team's corner of the office that says: "Blood Donation Drive: Donors Needed". And we'll keep mum throughout the day, being only in our black clothes. But during our assembly, we'll bare our fangs and give them a bite!

So tomorrow, my ensemble is this:

  • A black lace knee-length dress
  • Blood red heels
  • Blood red nail polish
  • Blood red lipgloss
  • Black dangly earrings
  • Vampire fangs
  • A cape
  • My JWIMMN/Whedonite badge
I can't wait to see what the others will be wearing. I so hope we win. That'll make me proud, having been just recruited and all into Fun Inc.

So, wish me and my team luck. Hope to have pictures to put up tomorrow!


P/s: I am a Whedonite. I shall not in any be associated with Twilight for dressing up as a vampire. Hence my wearing my "Whedonite" badge...nevermind the fact that no one would understand it :p

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Hun, sounds to me like you need to get yourself to a good doctor and get tested for real. Someone looking at you and diagnosing from looks is not a good doctor at all.. Most likely you do not have
H1N1 but it is best to be safe. I think you need to take your health into your own hands and go to every clinic and get every opinion you can until you feel you have been correctly tested and diagnosed. I hope you are feeling better as I write this, and get your butt to another clinic! Can you google where the best hospital in your area is? Go there.

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