Monday, July 06, 2009


Rules: Be honest no matter what.

If I tag you, you have to do one!

1.) Have you ever been asked out?
Yes, and almost always from strangers. Getting stalked in shopping complexes by guys trying to push peddle their phone numbers to me are not strange; scary though :p

2.) Where was your default picture taken?
Since I took this from FB, it was taken during Mimi's wedding in Ampang. If it's the Blogger picture, it was taken the next day after Ash and I were official, at my house in Seremban.

3.) What's your middle name?
I don't have one. Unless you wanna count the 'binti'.

4.) Your current relationship status?
Happily unavailable and taken :))

5.) Does your crush like you back?
Erm, re: above, taken; so no crush.

6.) What is your current mood?

7.) What color of underwear are you wearing?
Errr.....white with blue buterflies.

8.) What color shirt are you wearing?
Not shirt, but a red dress with white flowers on them.

9.) Missing something?
Someone: My Sayang <3

10.) If you could go back in time and change something, what would you do?
Nothing. If I changed anything, it might jeopardize the wonderfulness of my life today :) But if I had to choose, I'd probably go back in time and rescue my cats whom I sorely miss til now.

11.) If you must be an animal for one day, what would it be?
I want to be a bird of prey cos I wanna fly, but I don't want to be gobbled up by bigger birds :p

12.) Ever had a near death experience?
Erm... I don't think I have. But I once almost drowned in a river.

13.) Something you do a lot?
Squeeze the pores on my nose...I do it so annoyingly much that the skin of nose keeps peeling.

14.) The song stuck in your head?
'Glorious' by Natalie Imbruglia

15.) Who did you copy and paste this from?
Edwan's FB note :p Thanks, Edwan!

16.) Name someone with the same birthday as you?

17.) When was the last time you cried?.
On the phone with my Encik Sedil some weeks back when I felt demotivated and dejected.

18.) Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
Yes, a few times in front of the entire school.

19.) If you could have one super power what would it be?
Strength. So that I can go anywhere without fear.

20.) What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
The eyes. But I have a thing for hands, too :p

22.) What's your biggest secret?
I'm not Hazlin.

23.) Favorite color?

24.) Do you still watch kiddie movies or tv shows?
I do on occasion. But I prefer serious movies and tv shows.

25.) What's on your walls?
At the moment, nothing.

26.) What are you?
Myself; a product of my choices, judgment and thought.

27.) Do you speak any other language?
Malay, Whedonesque.

28.) What's your favorite smell?
*grin* Honestly, it's private :p

29.) Describe your life in one word.
* curi Edwan's word, but that's exactly what was on my mind :p

30.) Have you ever kissed in the rain?

31.) What are you thinking about right now?
Nak balik rumah and tido.

33.) What should you be doing?
Work, and also figuring out my team's costume for dress up day.

34.) Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
People whose names I won't mention. No one tells me what to do, or can/cannot do, and these two thought they could.

35.) How often do u talk to God?
As often as my undeserving self can.

36.) Do you like working in the yard?
Not really. I probably wouldn't mind so much if I wasn't a mosquito magnet.

37.) If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?
A last name would mean changing my father's name, thus, I would be someone else's child. So honestly, I don't want one.

38.) Do you act differently around the person you like?
Maybe. But if I'm comfortable with him, after a while, I'd be my normal self.

39.) What is your natural hair color?
Dark brown.

40.) Who was the last person to make you cry?
I don't remember. I usually cry by my own accord, and never give the satisfaction to a person who deem that I would break to their manipulations.

Love, Linzy.

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