Tuesday, October 07, 2008


This should have been written sooner, but my time has been taken up by constant worrying about assignments and presentations that I couldn't spare a few minutes of blogging. Anyhow, I'm here now.

I'm back from my balik kampung. Well, that's obvious seeing how I'm online, cos I don't have any internet access back in my grandmother's house. We came back earlier than expected which kinda miffed me a bit since I didn't get to spend much time with my cousins. But I hope to see them for Eid-ul-adha, so I guess that's not so bad. Otherwise I'd only get to see them about once a year.

Surprisingly, traffic wasn't so bad this year. It was smooth sailing going and coming back from Kelantan, and we hardly ran into heavy traffic. So it was good.

Anyway, it's both good and bad to be home. Good because I can get back to my normal life and see my sayang and my friends. And the bad side would be that I have to leave my relatives as well as I am back to having to go to classes and doing assignments and presentations :p

But all in all, everything's good. And I'll wait for another day to properly blog about Raya. Bye.

Love, Linzy~

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