Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Finale

The final exams are here again. After four months of torturous classes, we've all reached the finale when we're required to write down what we know according to the questions that they have set for us. And that time is now; the relieving yet dreaded final exams. Only for me, it's not just the final exams, it is the FINAL final exams.

Insyaallah, I'll be graduating when all the exams are over.

And until that time, I have another five papers to go; Feature Writing, Error and Contrastive Analysis, Computer Applications to Language Studies, Malaysian and Singaporean Literature, and American Literature lies in wait for me within these next few days. Arabic 2 was yesterday, and I don't want to comment on that just yet. I'd like to think that it's 'one down and five more to go' and I'm not wanting to dwell on it for the moment. I'm not really sure how I did.

Whether I'll pass or fail, I ain't got an inkling. It's the second time I'm taking this paper, so here's to hoping that all will be well. Worry, I shall not for now. Not until I get past the other papers. Only then can I start worrying like hell.

And after that, I'll get my results in a few weeks' time.

And after that, freedom.But even that, I don't want to think of just yet. There is a sadness in having to leave this phase of my life. I'm the kind of person who is always wanting to move forward, almost impatient for time to get a move on. In fact, I've always wanted to grow up. But the moment is nigh, when I leave these Holy Grounds, I shall officially be in charge of myself getting a job and starting my life. Really starting my; requiring me to stand on my two feet. It's exhilirating, yet almost sad.

It's always hard to say goodbye.I'll be saying farewell to life as a student. I'll be saying goodbye to IIUM. I'll be saying goodbye to a more carefree life. I'll be saying farewell to friends I'm used to seeing everyday and hanging out with happily for lunch or sometimes dinner or going out and about with. And I'll be saying goodbye to my sayang. I know the last two are not permanent, but it will mean lesser time spent with them. I'm sure I'll still see my friends every now and then. And Ash my darling, you know I'll come by all the time to see you. I'm not saying goodbye meaning that I won't see you again, it's just... After this, when I see you all, it'll be me as your former course mate/classmate etc. The only thing that renains is that I'm still your friend. And you're still my boyfriend, sayang.

*sigh* This is so hard to think about.

So I'm not gonna. Now all I wanna be thinking about is my exams and getting through them. It's not a good semester for me, because some of the subjects I'm taking I cannot seem to score. But no matter, I'll do what I can in the finals. I won't even think about resumes, not til I finish all this. I wanna be cherishing these last moments with my sayang and my friends.

Love, Linzy~

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