Friday, February 12, 2010


I was tagged by Sarah Elizabeth @Nomadic Soul.

I'm supposed to list seven things about me, and here I chose to put what's been on my mind; those thoughts that have been clouding up my noggin.  So here goes...

Seven things that has been on my mind:

  1.  I've been having a case of baby envy these past months. Seeing friends I've grown up with getting married and having children is hitting me very hard. I'm feeling that longing and ache for my own children, so much so that I am green with envy seeing others with children. It's not a bad thing, I adore children and I am happy for friends/relatives over their bundle of joy... but I feel a little left out and wistful. I can't wait for my turn :)
  2. I am needing and anticipating a career change. I'm at the end of my tether and just am constantly on edge. The knot of tension in my head and heart is threatening my health and sanity. I desperately want to get out. I am just waiting for that one good offer, then I'm out the door. I'll be sad to leave this team that I have come to think of as family, but for my sake, I would need to go.
  3. I am angry at myself for letting myself put on so much weight in the past few months. Another reason why I should get out of this desk job. Sitting in front of the pc all day is making all that energy turn into unwanted bulges. If only I had the time to go walking in the park or something.
  4. I'm working on two short stories. Don't know whether they'll ever see the light of day, but I'm hoping to get them finished at least, cos I'm not a fiction writer, I don't really have it in me to write about someone else. But every now and then, the inspiration strikes, it's just that often they just stay as beginnings and unfinished paragraphs. I hope these two would make it through. One is a rewrite of "Usually" the other is inspired by Tori Amos' Comic Book Tattoo. I'm writing a story based on A Sorta Fairytale.
  5. I know this is mighty racist to say, but it's just been on my mind and it's pretty grating, so bear with me. Eversince my hellish nightmare of an experience living with my previous housemates who took my things, swindled me out of cash, who were insensitive and immature, who were careless and did not lock the doors/close the windows which caused my laptop to get stolen (lest they themselves took it), I've been hating hearing people speak in, well, the language they speak. The sound of it plummets me to a sorta rage that makes my blood boil. I know that their attitude and ignorance has nothing to do with where they come from or the language they speak, it is their character that makes them so, but hearing that same language just brings back bad bad memories. 
  6. I am planning the launch of Project Reconnect. What is that? Well, it's my own personal project and goal to reconnect with friends that I have been out of touch with. Particularly Hamzah, Alfred, Suneetha, Ajan/Sya/Nadiah, Elwyn, the BENDits, the Twisties and many many more. I feel like I have been distancing myself too much and need to get back to my roots.
  7. Having been to weddings and hearing/reading/finding out that more and more friends are getting married, I'm starting to feel the pressure. This day and age, the age I am now is considered somewhat too early to wed; so maybe it's still too early to get worried, but that doesn't mean I don't want it or don't think about it. But pressure aside, I want to, even if not now then sooner or later. And I can hardly wait. But it'll come when it does. Some things are worth waiting for, and when it happens, it'll be awesome :) *No pressure Sayang, you know my heart already belongs to you.
Who to tag?
Hope you enjoyed those little insights into my twisted mind.


    2 comment(s):

    Anonymous said...

    Ugh, I hear you regarding the office job, sitting all day situation. That is the number one reason I am so happy to be leaving my job come September.. I can't stand sitting all day, and I too have gained some weight because of it..

    Good riddance to my current job, I will miss the people, but not the unhealthy lifestyle of sitting for a living.. LOL =)~

    Hazlin Aminudin said...

    Cheers to that :)

    I'm hoping to hear word from another job I have applied for. It's the same kind of work I'm doing now, but with a bit of journalism. So hopefully I get to go out and talk to people instead of sitting all day.

    I can't be sitting all day and have all the junk food go straight to my thighs and butt :p

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