Saturday, February 21, 2004

Semester Close

Semester Close, Sunday 08022004. Seremban

Yup, another semester has passed. Time sure moves fast, huh? I can’t believe that it has already been like about 8 months since we registered into the Holy Grounds and was bound to a life of torture… Now, 2 semesters have passed and it still feels like only yesterday when we first met.

I remember the first day of the second semester. Man, that was pure torture. Can you imagine? About 2 hours of waiting in the stuffy AMF with no air circulation, packed to the brim with students with all the pushing and line-cuts and what not. Fidz, Liyana and me almost died in there. I so was about to pass out. And then when we at last reached the bloody table to retrieve our results, we found out that we were in the wrong lane all the while and so, we had to go back! Damn! But after a while, I opted to leave. It was either us or the results and I for one vote for my own life! If it was my fate to die at that time so be it. But I didn’t want my name to be on the papers with the headlines “Death by the queue for results” or something to that effect.

With that starting of the semester, many other events followed; both good and bad. Of course, the first to follow the AMF incident was the Friendster Bulletin Board thread. That lasted for a long time didn’t it? But damn was it fun to write that stuff. It drove most of my other friends outside UIA up the wall with all the misleading titles. . Of course, my favourite title would be “Batu di Atas Neraka Berdarah”. Hehehehe….. Oh, and not to forget, ‘Sucking Sticks”. And 4 months from then, we are still on the thread thing. But we do start new ones now and again. It just got to long since, well, we just had too much to complain about this place.

We found out that most of us weren’t in the same group. Anis and Liyana were both in different classes while Julia, Zeph , Sarah, Fidz, Aaina and me were in the same group. So we were separated for once, we met only during lunch time and gaps between classes that is if our gaps were at the same time. Heheh… our classes were cool as usual, the core course classes that is. The exceptions are of course the FKM subjects. What? With Ustazah Pathetic Face and Mr. Stumpy, what else would you expect? Mr. Stumpy I can tolerate but the Ustazah? I felt like giving her a piece of my mind but too bad I didn’t get to do that. And damn, I just can’t get the April’s Fool idea Sarah had. She wanted us to parade around in Jubah’s and big tudungs and the like. Man, I really wanna do it! Who’s with me?

But the things we go through to stay alive in this place are enigmatic. It’s a wonder that we came out alive yet again. It’s been 2 semesters since we first registered into the holy Grounds, and here we are, still alive and kicking. Who knows what we are to face in semesters to come? But whatever happens, we have each other right? It’s not like we’re alone in the hardships we face. Sarah and Aaina, you guys know that should any of the things that happened to you guys happen again, we are always here to back you up. Maybe we can’t help that much, but one thing that we can assure you guys or anyone who faces anything at all, no matter whether it is in the H.G or outside, we are always here to support you.

Yup, and then there were the highlights of the semester. What were they….? I really am not so sure but many things have happened this past semester that was really memorable. Oh yeah, Anis and Ash getting together was one. Hmmm…. Zeph’s surprise birthday party was waay funny in the making of it. What? With Julia and me running off to Sect. 14 to get the stuff and getting paranoid that Zeph would be tailing us. Oh, the whole conspiracy in surprising Fidz at her performance in Atria and with the Agent Smith action figure, those proved classic results. There are definitely many more. But being me, Miss Responsible-yet-utterly-forgetful, I have forgotten so many. Add more to the list won’t you guys?

Whatever it is, this semester has been an absolute blast. I loved it. If there’s one thing I’ve gained, I’d definitely say it’s the confidence I lost sometime ago. How did I get it back? Well, I have to say with terrific people standing by me all the time. This semester, despite all the hardships is by far memorable. So, all I have to say to close this semester is: MAY WE ONCE AGAIN (NEXT SEMESTER) RAISE HELL ONTO THE HOLY GROUNDS OF UIA!

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